Feeling: tired
Now Playing: "To our unborn daughters"- Rx Bandits
I told myself that I would immediately pass out after getting back to the dorms today, but somehow I made my way to here. Perhaps I had the urge to write since I know I'll be automating homework later in the night.My eyes don't hurt as much as they did 20 minutes ago, but I can't blame them for failing for only getting 2 hours of rest in the past 24 hour. I stayed up till 5 last night/this morning to finish my poorly written english paper. I worked in the dorm lounge for the majority of the time. There were people I knew that came in and out randomly through out the night, but apart from them there were the 2 people that's always playing World of Warcraft and another couple that was literally making out from 1:00AM to the time I left. As if it weren't awkward enough, they sat in the couch 15 ft. in front of me. By 4AM, it was just me and them in the silent lounge. I had also given up on my paper by that time and left with what I had. I went back up to my room and laid on my bed for 2 hours before my 7:30 english. I was tempted to take a nap after class until calculus at 11:30, but I was afraid that I won't be able to wake up. Being a nice and sunny morning, I fought my lethargy and made my way to Starbucks at the Union to work on math with Brendon. The assigment took way longer than it should have, and I became frustated at numerous ocassions, because the professor never talked about the last section of the homework. I ended up working on math for 2 hours before going to the class itself. I did not finish 2 problems from said section but soon found out it was not being collected "because the professor never talked about the last section"...great. I also got back my exam score, and that was a low part of my day. Speaking of which:
High and Lows of Last Week
- Being selected as part of the Student Concert Committee
- Finishing my draft for English at 3AM Friday morning and watching lost until 7AM, thereafter going to 7:30 English to turn in draft and returning to sleep until 5 PM
- Having a fairly entertaining weekend
- (today)Picking up my free tshirt and tickets to the Wilco concert this Wed.
- Drinking coffee for the first time in awhile
- Tedious interview process for SCC
- Studying for Thursday night math exam and not doing so well on it due to dumb mistakes
- Missing 3 classes due to oversleepage which resulted in not turning in 1 math homework
- Missing buses, because I fail at reading time charts
- Lack of sleep
I had an odd dream some nights ago that was probably a result of not turning in that math assignment. In the dream, I rode my bike to math class, and got into the building at a reasonable time. Upon walking into the classroom, I realized it was a Chem115 class.(no idea why, I don't even take that class) I turned back and went into an adjacent building and realized I was in the complete wrong end of campus. By this time, class would have started by now, so I hurried onto a bus to save time. Somehow, the bus did not stop at where I wanted and ended up taking me back to my dorm/Purdue West.
Frustrated, I rode my bike back onto campus again. There was a shopping mall next to the math building, so I decided to cut through the mall as a shortcut. Not surprisingly, I got lost again. The mall was crowded, so I morphed my bike into a Segway for easier navigation. I got onto an elevator, which I thought took me to the outside, except it lead into a bus that I was forced to get on. I ended up at my dorm again, and I was 15 minutes late by that point. I gave up and woke up or something to that effect.
Regarding the title: I unconciously typed in 2 o's for "more". Thinking about it, I typed a lot of "Moore"'s last night/this morning because he was the author for the book I was analyzing for my paper (V for Vendetta). Kind of funny...I think. (And of course, fall break is in a week)