Feeling: Meh
Now Playing: "Anna Molly"- Incubus
It's almost Thanksgiving. Tonight's dinner at Hillenbrand was fairly fullfilling. Apart from waiting in line and in the rain, the dinning hall treated me to a Thanksgiving dinner. Although it's only dinning hall quality, it reminded me of how much I enjoy fluffy warm cornbread stuffing and apple roasted turkey with cranberry sauce. So yes, that's what I'm thankful for. I'm looking forward to the food, maybe minus the making food all morning part. Aside from the food, I could use the break, although I'm not looking forward to the English project and math homework due when classes resumes. I haven't enjoyed English since we started White Noise. I liked the book, but I don't know why class is going downhill. The project is a group effort, and it doesn't really help when your group members are dumb. I probably could do better on this by myself even if there is a lot more work involved.
It has been raining for two days straight.
Last weekend I was back in Michigan again and drove up with Ian. The motive was the last Broken Social Scene show of their tour (and indefinite hiatus), which I've been looking forward to for a few month. (Although I'm still bitter about Vouge in Indy being a 21+ venue) Of course, I was visiting Clif too, who bought me the tickets, even though I was in Ann Arbor the weekend before.
I was fairly tired on friday, the day we left, for various reasons but mainly a lack of sleep. When I took the wheels for the latter half of the trip, I was trying so hard to stay awake...it sucked, and was a lot of effort. It was just a weird state to be in drifting in and out of sleep. Vision obscured, mind unfocused, time passing slowly, etc. I tried eating and drank the sip of what was left of the coke. Somehow, with whatever it is I did, I was able to "wake up" and drive normally for awhile... until I felt tired again. Then, with whatever I did to make myself stay awake, I drove normally again... it's a vicious cycle.
I made it into town safely and got lost again. The rest of the story isn't very exciting, so I'll just omit that.
After resting for an hour or so, Clif, his roommate and roommate's friend, Ian, and I set out for the My Brightest Diamond concert in the basement of East-Quad, which is one of the dorms. After wondering for half an hour in the basement, we finally found the room. The room was surprisingly small, and the turn-out at the time was low. (20-30 people) Opener Annie Palmer, Pedestrian (whom I looked forward to seeing, and it turned out to be a good set), etc.
After My Brightest Diamond came out and a couple songs later, I was pretty tired. I closed my eyes and kind of drifted into that half asleep state again. Actually, that seems to happen whenever I take naps and listen to music. The music sounds different somehow in this state when I zone in and out. It also makes the time go by slower, which is good in this context. Anyways, I enjoyed her performance even under my condition and the not so cool crowd.
Onwards with Broken Social Scene.
I was pretty excited about the show. The inside of Michigan theater looked rather lavish, but it was flooded by drunk indie fags. (That was probably an over statement.) The opener Do Make Say Think was alright but not the best post rock band out there. Their sound is quite unique from other post rock bands. To sum up the BSS concert, it was great. Although I can't say it was the best concert I've been too. The highlight was dancing momentarily on stage with BSS during "Hotel". ( I think...). The set ended up being over 2 hours, and it was getting close to the curfew. They played some Canadian cover that the hometown fans went crazy over.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
What What
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7:19 PM
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