Feeling: Bloated..too much soda
What's on: "Swimmers"- Broken Social Scene
It's only the 3rd day of summer, and I've already begun to get bored. I hate sleeping in my room during the summer, because it's like an oven when it's sunny out. I usually began sweating and tossing and turning around 10. Somehow I manage to fall back asleep or pretend to sleep until the afternoon, but it's still very uncomfortable.
I didn't have much to do after I woke up today. I sat around my computer for awhile and decided to put on a movie; North by Northwest was soon playing on the upstairs TV while I ate my chicken pot pie. After the movie ended, I was out of ideas again. Usually when that happens, sleep always seems to be a good plan. I played my PSP for awhile but couldn't get a good game going now that I'm done with Earthbound.
I did nothing for about an hour and ate dinner. My night plans were somehow resolved by tagging along with Anna to the mall. We were there for only half an hour since it closes at 9, but progress was still made. As Anna was proceeding to check-out at Hollister, she walked up to a LCD panel on the wall and said something along the lines of "let's play a song". "What?" I replied, and she then explained how customers can pick songs to be played over the intercom/speakers in the store; so basically, it was like a free jukebox. Amazed, I dashed over to see the selections. Surprisingly, there was a good collection of albums, some of my favorites were in the pool too. I began to compile a playlist of songs even though the store was closing in 5 minutes. Nonetheless, I was pretty content since I got to play Phantom Planet, and that's really all I needed to hear.
After getting out of Hollister, we dropped by Dick's Sporting Goods. I walked past the Frisbee discs and stopped to browse the discs. Apparently, Anna thought disc golf was just a made up sport by Ian to get out of swimming, and she was amazed at the number of different types of discs there were. A clerk also came up to her and commented, "If you need help with disc golf, talk to the guy at costumer service, he is amazing." Somehow that just sounds kind of funny.
Afterwards, I convinced her to goto Love Shack instead of Vienna, because I was craving cheese sticks. Actually, the first time I visited that place was with her, but she hasn't frequented it as much as I have since. Coincidentally, Ian walked in right as we were leaving and conversations about disc golf soon resulted.
That's pretty much my 3rd night of summer. I'm a tad surprised that I have gone out 3 consecutive nights already, thought that consecution might be ending pretty soon.(ie. tomorrow night) I really should figure out plans; I'm running out of things to do already.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Hollister has just became 10x cooler
Posted by
11:49 PM
Monday, May 29, 2006
So it ends.
Feeling: Sweaty
What's on: "Jumping Fences"-The Olivia Tremor Control
The past week has been hectic, yet it passed by so fast. My finals studying time has digressed one year after another. I pseudo studied for most of my exams the day before/of. For the most part, I thought I did fairly well with the lack of studying. Calc was really easy, I ended up with a 94, but still short of an A for the semester. I wonder if Klumpe would be nice enough to give me an A since he's leaving after this year. My last final was Thursday morning French. I sort of passed out studying after not being home for the entire afternoon. (Disc golf, dinner, lost finale...) I probably would have done better on the final if I was sure about what verb tense to use for what, but oh well.
After that was over, I didn't quite have the "I'm done feeling" like I've had...not really sure why. After taking the 2 hour Purdue placement test, I went to play disc golf again. Sam kept on commenting about how the dark clouds were coming in very fast and will hit us soon; it didn't till we got home. Dinner was taken care of at Clif's. We had a cookout with pork chops, hot dogs, and burgers. I really enjoyed the first time when we did that, so I thought it would be nice to have another before he left. Few more people showed up, and they decided to go bowling. I parted my way to JooJoo's for some good Ol Karaoke fun with the Asians to celebrate Jennifer's Bday.
Friday was more Disc Golf and the beginning of Grad parties. parties continued through Saturday, starting early at noon and ended at 8. Clif and I went over to Sam's afterwards to watch "Pom Poko", a studio Ghibli film about Raccoon's and certain parts of their anatomy that can shapeshift. Cynthia, who came up with the idea, was also there along with Alex and Jonesy. It was fairly interesting, but long, so we ended up fast forwarding to the good parts.
Commencement Sunday wasn't as interesting as everything thinks. So we hear speeches, go up and get our diplomas, move our tassels, and throw our caps..so what? If I had a choice of not going, then I probably wouldn't. I would rather have spent my Sunday doing more productive things. Afterwards, it was more Grad parties. I have been doing fairly well at not becoming sick or throwing up, even though Saturday came close.
Later that night, I hung out at Graham's house with people and said bye to Clif as he's taking off for NM for the summer.
Speaking of summer, I should really plan things out instead of sitting home all day and watching TV. This might be my last summer to really do whatever I want, so I should make good use of it. I suppose today was my first real day of summer. I was mostly asleep till 3 and decided I should really do something. I ended up party hoping with Rachana and played basketball for awhile with Sam O. and gang.
I think the next few days will consist of much sleep as I'm in need of some. After that, we'll see.
Posted by
11:09 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
After the Storm
There is less than 2 weeks left in my k-12 career. School has actually been slowly lately, leaving me with little to do at night. I'm pretty sure my grades have declined dramatically as of last semester, and my parents will probably scorn me when the time comes. But hey, I'm pretty damn proud of my last semester report card---not that it really matters now---and I deserve the room to slack off.
It's been raining for the past week or so. I don't dislike it in particular, but days after days of continuous rain does get you feeling abit down.
Today was the last tennis match of the season. In all honesty, I wasn't too enthusiastic about playing. I haven't played for a week. Thursday's match was canceled, and Monday's was rescheduled for today.
After a short glimpse of the sun, rain moved in about 30 minutes into warm-ups. In the cold rain,the team stood by the fence while Tim arranged new plans over his cell.
Our match was relocated indoors, meaning more time had to be wasted in transportation. Since it was Senior Night, Tim already stated that all the seniors get to play. (The seniors also received roses and had a printed name sign made for each. I thought the whole thing was kind of excessive, but the flower was a nice gift)I really didn't want to drive 30 minutes to the East side just for a "senior" match playing JV against a crappy team. I could go into details about how I think Tim doesn't know jack about sentiments, but I'm feeling too lazy.
Posted by
10:14 PM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Arg! May update: robo, AP, prom, and other
Feeling: slightly accomplished
What's on: "Are You There?"- Mono
I've told myself for the past 2 weeks to update, but...yeah, I've been busy. Much has happened since my last post, and I'll probably be missing some good details due to my bad memory retention rate .
To start of, Robotics nationals at Atlanta, Apr 27-29.
I wasn't too looking forward to the trip/apathetic, mostly because of the 10+ hours of bus ride and Comfort Inn as opposed to 2 hour plane ride and Hyatt. Turns out, neither transportation nor rooming was as bad as I have expected. What I have expected though, was the turn out of our robot. Although I did want to be optimistic about competition, we're really a long shot from winning/perform outstandingly. In all, there weren't much interesting events apart from the drama between certain figures that exploded in my room on Friday night. I was just an observer in the whole incident, but I find it interesting and almost funny to be watching this made-for-tv scene. As far as I know, the situation has been resolved for the most part.
Overall, the trip was mediocre. Even though we did win the national award for the website, I still enjoyed Buckeye better (maybe because we did surprisingly well there, or maybe not). Either way, it wasn't a terrible way to end the season.
The Banquet was held last Wed. at school. Before the banquet, the team was suppose to give a presentation to the School Board. This is the part that I can't comprehend: In the announcement that day it read
"All robotics members should meet at the Jr. High Gym at 5:30 for the School Board Presentation; Wear yellow Jerseys."So okay, I wore my jersey and brought clothe to change into for the Banquet. Somehow, all the guys failed to bring a change of clothing. I debated with the guys, noting it's a norm to dress up for Banquets. Some said that they thought the jersey was for the Banquet---they're dumb for not knowing how to read; others argued along the lines of not needing to/it's stupid, which I deduced to be the fact that changing in between events is not very manly.
Last week was AP testing. I had Comp Sci o Tueday. and Calc Wednsday. I didn't feel too confident coming out of either (mostly due to poor performance on free-responses), but I don't think more studying would have helped. When I resumed to normal school schedules on Thursday, I felt abit out of place; Perhaps because being finished with testing gets me in the mind set of breakage.I know for sure that I'm ready for HS to be over with. I'm really tired of sitting through tedious French and boring Band when I could be making more productive use of the time. For instance, skipping band on Tues. allowed me to studying for Calc for a good 2 hours; Skipping band on Friday made the day not suck. I convinced DK to skip with me, and Christine tagged alone. As we were walking to my car on Forest Hill, Ang drove past us, and we stopped her. "Take us out to lunch," I said, and soon after we hopped into her car and headed for Pizza Express in Chauncey. We saw many other West Side kids walking around.
On our ride back, Christine got to see her loverboy walking on the streets. Ironically, she failed at catching him last time when we skipped band, when we even exerted the effort to drive around Purdue West trying to spot him. Even more, she claimed that during her lunch prayer that day, she prayed to be able to see him. Oh irony.
To finish out the thus far good school day, we watched "We were Soldiers" in IR and played Trivia in Government, where I received 10 bonus points with the help of Namisha. I left school in a good mood, and prom was another event to look forward to that day...
Unfortunately being a repeat from last year, I was the last one to arrive at the picture party at Kelly's. I guess I miss allocated some time and ended up running late. I wasn't too content with my rushed hairdo, but at least everything else went smoothly.
Dinner was good, though I'm beginning to think that I should stop going to Heisei's. (Friday marked my 6th appearence there) Ian "accidentally" ordered and extra set of sushi, and his bill ended up being $60 ish, gg.
The rest of the night went well. I really wasn't sure what to expect, but it turned out for the better. Clif and I were late again getting to the Union since I had to run home and grab clothe for later. Our group proposed bowling before going to the ballroom, but that never happened, and I gained the pleasure of having a pair of sock in my purse the entire night...
Midnight: Time passed by fast as expected. We left and semi-regrouped at after prom. This year wasn't as boring as last; food was a contributing factor. I tried being more strategic in my winning-raffle-plan this year, but it kind of failed. I ended up "buying" a shoe rack, a keychain flash light, some candies, and 2 gift certificates.
I originally planned on going to Chicago with Clif, but that plan was scrapped due to poor planning and tireness. We went to see MI:3 instead in the afternoon. A lot of people commented on it being good; I thought it was mediocre. We met up with people afterwards trying to figure out activities. We started out at Vienna, then Loveshack, Patrick's, BWWs, Payless, and eventually ende up at Ian's for a really poor round of Trivia Pursuit.
Finally getting back to present time...
Today was another Monday, signaling yet another week of school. Fortunately there're only a few more left in my HS career, but the prospect is also abit scary. Tennis resumed for me today; It's been almost 1.5 week since I last played. (Skipped out last week on Mon and Tues due to Calc review afterschool; banquet on Wed; match on Thurs. which I didn't play in) There's only a week of tennis left, but conditioning will probably be tougher till then. Today wasn't too bad apart from scrapping my knees and hurting my arm.
So yes, this post is the most work I've done since AP...I should probably feel guilty for slacking. I don't have any insightful comments to end this post, so goodbye and good night.
Posted by
11:24 PM