Scored: 2 free burritosSo Chipotle had a back-to-school promotion today and gave out free burritos from 11-10. Being a Chipotle enthusiast as I am, I naturally headed out for some. Overall, today was pretty busy with 4 back to back classes (including 1 lab) staring at 8:30 and being at random places. I also had to work pretty much right after classes. Luckily CS lab got out early (even though it sucked), and I found some time to stop by Chipotle. The line was definitely not as ridiculous as it was for their grand opening free burrito promotion last year. Even better was, I spotted some friends in line and was able to get food within 10 mins.
Work was hectic today. I thought Sunday would have been the busiest day, since it's the day before school, but today kind of sucked. Pretty much all the major classes' books are out, and it's a pain trying to find more/explain to people/reserve books for them, etc. Also, refund is annoying; I'm glad I'm not a cashier for that reason.
My day wasn't quite over after getting out of work at 6:30. My first Exponent meeting was today too. And with my lucky with the Gold Loop, I wasn't able to catch the bus. It never came! Tired and burned out, I treked for 20 mins. under the heat and got to see all the happy faces in the office---- It is nice to be back. Work starts Thursday!
After the short meeting, I headed over to Chipotle again in hopes of finding tomorrow's dinner. Luckily, I ran into Sam and people and was able to cut in line again. I couldn't resist the temptation to eat more burrito, So I chowed down half of my steak pinto. Govind joined us soon after, and we ended up interneting at the Village Coffee House. (I still don't have wireless in my apt.) Among the numerous people I ran into today, I saw Lena for the first time in about two years. We had a quick chat and parted our ways. I really enjoy running into people/friends that I haven't seen for awhile, unles it's the awkward half-friend what-should-I-do scenario.
Classes have been meh, although I didn't expect the first week to be very exciting. It rained a lot yesterday. Kind of a downer to the start of a new year.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Free Chipotle Day
Posted by
9:15 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Animal Collective Poster
But like I said, I don't have connections so there is no chance of me just getting random/free things in the mail. The poster was actually acquired through Daytrotter. They were giving away a number of them to whomever responded first and naturally I jumped on the bandwagon.
That was over months and months ago.
I didn't think I got it, since it has been ages, so this was quite a pleasant surprise. I'm not the biggest Animal Collective fan, but free and pretty posters are for the win.
Posted by
11:46 AM
Tags: music
Sunday, August 05, 2007
"She is the queen of the castle California, thrill"
Feeling: Drained
Current Love: Pavement
I have been so tired lately, it's rather sad. I don't really know why or how it started, but I don't like it at all. Sleeping has been hard lately. It takes me at least an hour to fall asleep, because I have too much on my mind, and I end up tossing and turning all night in misery and having weird dreams. It is only around 9 or 10 that I get the "sleepy feel", but by then I usually had to drag myself out of bed to get to work.
Speaking of work, my hours are gradually increasing. Surprisingly, it hasn't been too bad working 6-8 hours a day, but I just feel so tired after I get home. It's a bummer. Next week I have 40 hours, and tomorrow is my only day off. I took some sleep aid in hopes of finding a good night sleep, and I'm looking forward to a productive and fun day tomorrow.
Only two weeks till school. I want to move in already!
Posted by
11:53 PM