Feeling: Tired
Current Love: E-talking - Soulwax
Happy July 4th on this cloudy Friday. It's been a pretty slow day. I finally got to sleep in really for the 1st time this week, but I was woken up by a loud crash and my mom screaming... apparently my dad fell of the ladder when hanging up a picture. My mom took him to the ER, because he bit his tongue (I didn't see it), so I've been watching TV for the past 4 hours or so.
We didn't plan anything for today, because we were all pretty exhausted from the NY trip yesterday. I had fun, and going around seems a lot interesting now that I know the area better from my Y2K8 adventures.
Before I start talking about that, I suppose I should continue from where I left off in part one.
Monday was the closing date for our new house. We only drove about 5 hours through the rest of Pennsylvania and arrived in CT. The town/house was alittle different that what I expected. In my mind I imagined these houses I saw when I was in Hilton Head Island some years ago: pretty and chic, but instead, I got the boonies.
East Hampton is the name of the town, built around southern end of Lake Pocotopaug, southeast of capital Hartford.The population is around 12k. There's one grocery store, a CVS, an Ace Hardware, McDonald's, Subway, Dunkin' Donuts, and some local stores as far as I've seen.
Our new home. 56 East Hambridge St.
Shot from upstairs down to entry way.

Main road into town by Lake Pocotopaug. Cute houses and private docks.
I went to the closing. My first time ever, so it was interesting hearing all the details of the contract and mortgage.
First night's beds in the living room. Our stuff was set to arrive the next day.
Unloading our home.
Huge sign on our neighbor's lawn. Turns out they just wanted to build a shed. Funny how little towns are.
Road by our house deeper into the subdivision towards the lake.
Yesterday's venture into NY was to renew our recently expired passports. We started early and drove into uptown Manhattan where the Chinese Embassy was located. We were there for about two hours which was annoying mainly because it was kind of boring just waiting around and filling out forms.
We drove down the west coast. Cruise ships are huuuuge, almost sureal.
Pretty church.
BMW dealer with cute compact cars.
View from the 2nd floor of Embassy. Protesters outside wanting to legalize the highly controversial Falun Gong practice in China.
We went to Flushing in upper Brooklyn after business was taken care of. Here's a shot from the inside of a Pinkberry.
Yummy Lamp Kabobs.
Lunch in Flushings. Forgot what the restaurant was called, but it was by the big Hong Kong supermarket.
After leaving Flushings, we drove into Chinatown in Manhattan and walked around here before walking over the Soho where I had a pretty fulfilling shopping adventure, even if it was just 2 stores.
By the time we made it home it was already past midnight. I was way tired and crashed happily on my bed. Good day.
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