Upside down pineapple cake is so moe ^^.Well I’m just here for another post. Yay...
It’s getting warmer for a change. I really didn’t like the cold weather all that much; don’t think anyone does. Almost all the snow has melted. Only the stubborn ice of the evil winter remains. (I love my writing skills. So persuasive eh?) I’m also glade that school is lightening up abit. The past month was so stressful that I almost felt depressed. Yay for emo music!
Our new computer came, and a new set of stereo for our “home theater”. So yeah, my dad is a control freak. At leat this PC came assembled. (Note post 12/31/03 for my “Happy New Years incident”) A cheap dell it is. Cheap yes, any good I don’t know. Let’s see, if I remember right. Pentium 4, 128mb memory (plus 250 from today’s successful upgrade), 6 USB, 5 PCI, ATI Rage video card, and 40G hard drive. A new graphic card is on the way, ATI Radeon 5600 I think, or something like that. The PC is pretty slick comparing to my many-upgrades-later Vaio. technology had advanced in the past 7 years. From the looks of it, the dell seems okay, guess I’ll see soon.
So yeah, I can’t think of anything else. The long forgotten “Pic of the Day” might make a comeback this weekend or so..just see.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Posted by
10:33 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Vday deserves a unique Post
Yup. Though this is completely irrelevant to Valentine's, it still intrigues me.
I was browsing through my site tracker out of boredom. One feature let's me see the referrals I had to my site. Fairly interesting it is. Many have visited my site from search engines...searching for things that are completely irrelevant. Funny I'd say. I listed some "keywords" they searched for that brought these unique individuals to my site. I also included links to some:
Last 20 Searchengine Queries Unique Visitors
Google: essay+"my life"
Google: dragon Raja server files
Yahoo: "essay+"studying"
Yahoo: "essay+"studying"
Google: bazzooka
MSN Search: bazzooka . com
Google: priston tale network ports
Google: installing old hardrive onto new motherboard
Google: opideus
Google: trogdor ddr file [my favorate^.^]
Google: rennilase
MSN Search: rennilase(#3)
Google: vaio sony "installing 2000"
Google: Paint ball bazzooka
Google: opideus
Google: will i have to re-install winxp when installing a new cpu? (#5)
Yahoo: black jesus doll
Yahoo: Fixing Ebay javascript errors (#8)
Moral: Search engines pwns.
Posted by
9:12 PM
Monday, February 02, 2004
It's school all over again. And it just keeps on getting longer... Last week was pretty nice with the two 2-hr delays. Though the snow did pile up to about 4 inches, we didn't get a snow day. I'm kinda sick of snow now. It doesn't ever melt, we still need to goto school, it's cold, and it's dirty. I mean it just looks like clear dirt..that's cold. But oh well, it's good while it lasted..although...
The weather is just plain weird. The temperature just fluctuated today about +20 ( I don't know...I've never been too good temp. wise) So it was raining afterschool. Kinda nice, wash away all the snows/salt that's been building up on the road. But it still can't melt any snow anywhere else. But perhaps the best part about it, it could call for a 2-hr delay. If you don't know, the water can build up overnight and freeze on the road if it's cold enough. Yup yup.
And it's snowing right I said..weirdly unpredictable.
Anyway, school's been slowly down finally, but still a lot of upcoming projects. hmm..picked my next year's schedule today. 2 years before College, I have no idea what I'm doing. I want to do something like Graphic Design, but artists have it hard. No matter, I'm going into art's next year. I'm considering quitting band to fit in art and computer classes.
Well, don't have much to say. Been doing well I guess, drawing, eating, sleeping like the usual. Oh yeah, my parents bought a big screen on Sat., not sure why... It's a 57 inch HDTV. I wish it was LCD..that'll be so awesome..and about 5k off the budget.
And of course Sunday was the super bowl. Yeah, I'm sure you all know so bye.
Posted by
9:13 PM