I guess I lied about not being able to post/login. Buuut, I'm right about not being able to view the blog. Still, it's for the better.
I had a late flight in contrast to last year's, where I just ended up staying up all night. My parents and I left the house at 11, abit early in my opinion, since our flight was 3 PM central time. I offered to drive but got turned down; It's raining, my mom said...whatever. I drifted in and out of sleep on the way as the heavy rain poured down, making for a good car wash. The traffic flow increased as we got onto 94, and my dad rear-ended a car. How did it happen? I witnessed the whole thing... My mom always gets tense and start scolding my dad whenever he gets too close to cars on the highway; This was just another one of those times. Our car was awfully close, and the car in front of us breaked. My dad slowed down, but then realized the car wasn't breaking fast enough. He slammed on it as the tired screeched, but it was to late. I was rather surprised that the break failed. Why did it happen? None of us are sure. My parents blamed it on the break being lose going down hills. The car was an Acura, and the driver looked like a mob character; he wasn't looking to happy either. After some exchange of conversation, we headed off again. I believe the guy tried asking for $250 to take care of the deal, but my dad refused.
to be continued...
Monday, June 19, 2006
Remember that time in Ctown?
Posted by
12:50 PM
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Vacation Time
Feeling: drained
What's on: "Swimmer"-Broken Social Scene
Two weeks of summer has past by. Rather slowly, but still productive. I suppose the quantity and qualities of my activities have been better compared to last summer, where my days were consisted of tv dinner/ramen, tv/movie/anime,internet,games, and sleep. For the most part, my sleeping schedule hasn't varied from last summer: go to bed around 3-4 AM and wake up around 1-2 PM. But instead of sitting at home all summer, I've been getting out and enjoying the great outdoors. Much of it thus far consisted of disc golf/frsibee. It's been pretty enjoyable and relaxing.
I don't really have much to say, even though I could be saying much. I guess I could say that I'm flying out of Chicago in 11 hours or so. It's highly probably that I won't post anything until I get back due to the censorship crap in China, at least that's how it was last summer. I'll try to enjoy myself, and until then, later kids.
Posted by
2:08 AM
Friday, June 09, 2006
Hurray for miracles...sort of
Feeling: Accomplished
What's on:"Walking Away"- Streetlight Manifesto
Last night, I had an epiphany. As I laid in bed, I began thinking about my mp3 player. I've previously stated that I had "misplaced" a connector that's used for updating/charging the player. It's been at least 4 month since the unfortunate displacement, and I haven't used my player since. It hasn't proved to be too much of a problem except for one or two incidents, but I really didn't want to go on vacation for a month with out my music. I guess before I dive into the story, I should note what's going on with the rest of the summer. As of two days ago, my parents had stated that we're leaving for China on the 18th. There were some problems: My "Day on Campus" was the 23rd. They thought about leaving after that and coming back later, around mid Aug. I rejected that idea, because I really didn't want to miss anymore concerts. So to compromise, sort of, I'll leave on the 18th and returning on the 26th of July. As for Day on Campus, I had scheduled an appointment with my Purdue Advisor yesterday afternoon and registered for classes. I think my classes are pretty messed up, so I'll probably end up changing it when I get back.
Now, going back to last night. I thought about all those hours I will end up spending in a plane, bus, car, boat, or whatever. It was boring enough even with my music last summer, so I can't imagine how it would be with out it. I frowned and thought, "that's really going to suck." At some point in the past, I thought about just ordering a new one. That never happened, because I didn't see any for sale, and I was sure it would just appear one day. Well, my days are running short, so it was time to take some initiatives. I was 90% sure that it's hidden in my living room somewhere, but I have been unsuccessful in the past at finding it. While lying in bed, I postulated possible places that I needed to look. I was going to wait until the morning to do the search, but I had this feeling that I will find it and need to take care of it now.
I reluctantly got up and headed downstairs. First I turned the drawers of my coffee tables inside out; no luck. I dived into the couches there after. Then, under the crack, I found a relieving sign---- I haven't been so excited in a long time. I did check the couches the last time I tried looking for the connector, but I guess I wasn't thorough enough then.
My intention of sleeping has now changed to the excitement of updating my player again. Unfortunately, I had some networking problems with the laptop, so I ended up uploading facebook pictures. I got it to work the next day, and now I'm happy to be with my Walkman once again.
Posted by
2:51 PM
What's up snail mail
Why has stamp prices gone up so much in the past few years? Sure it's to compensate for the hard working laborers, but at this rate, the postal service's future is looking bleak. You would think more money means better service, but no, it still takes the same amount of time, if not slower, for mails to get to places. 39 cents... that's almost half a dollar. I can buy a lot of things with half a dollar money; a nice 32 oz. from Loveshack for instance. If people need to send many letters, those stamp prices adds up like crazy. For instance, what if I need to mail out 30 thank you cards? That's $11.70! I don't need to go on about the possibilities with that much money.
The main reason I wanted to rant about this is because I found a pre postaged postcard from 1995 and a stamp from 2002. Respectively, the stamp rates were 20 and 23 cents. That means stamp prices has more than doubled in a mere 4 years, and the rate of increase has tripled, and... [insert more statistics here]. Shame on you USPS, shame on you.
Posted by
12:47 AM