Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hollister has just became 10x cooler

Feeling: Bloated..too much soda
What's on: "Swimmers"- Broken Social Scene

It's only the 3rd day of summer, and I've already begun to get bored. I hate sleeping in my room during the summer, because it's like an oven when it's sunny out. I usually began sweating and tossing and turning around 10. Somehow I manage to fall back asleep or pretend to sleep until the afternoon, but it's still very uncomfortable.
I didn't have much to do after I woke up today. I sat around my computer for awhile and decided to put on a movie; North by Northwest was soon playing on the upstairs TV while I ate my chicken pot pie. After the movie ended, I was out of ideas again. Usually when that happens, sleep always seems to be a good plan. I played my PSP for awhile but couldn't get a good game going now that I'm done with Earthbound.
I did nothing for about an hour and ate dinner. My night plans were somehow resolved by tagging along with Anna to the mall. We were there for only half an hour since it closes at 9, but progress was still made. As Anna was proceeding to check-out at Hollister, she walked up to a LCD panel on the wall and said something along the lines of "let's play a song". "What?" I replied, and she then explained how customers can pick songs to be played over the intercom/speakers in the store; so basically, it was like a free jukebox. Amazed, I dashed over to see the selections. Surprisingly, there was a good collection of albums, some of my favorites were in the pool too. I began to compile a playlist of songs even though the store was closing in 5 minutes. Nonetheless, I was pretty content since I got to play Phantom Planet, and that's really all I needed to hear.
After getting out of Hollister, we dropped by Dick's Sporting Goods. I walked past the Frisbee discs and stopped to browse the discs. Apparently, Anna thought disc golf was just a made up sport by Ian to get out of swimming, and she was amazed at the number of different types of discs there were. A clerk also came up to her and commented, "If you need help with disc golf, talk to the guy at costumer service, he is amazing." Somehow that just sounds kind of funny.
Afterwards, I convinced her to goto Love Shack instead of Vienna, because I was craving cheese sticks. Actually, the first time I visited that place was with her, but she hasn't frequented it as much as I have since. Coincidentally, Ian walked in right as we were leaving and conversations about disc golf soon resulted.

That's pretty much my 3rd night of summer. I'm a tad surprised that I have gone out 3 consecutive nights already, thought that consecution might be ending pretty soon.(ie. tomorrow night) I really should figure out plans; I'm running out of things to do already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys-

Ya know how annoying it is to keep clothes you don't like anymore but don't want to throw them away because you paid so much for them!? I found this store on ebay called SmartHanger... I just put all my Hollister gear in one box and shipped it to them. They sold it in their store and sent me a check for 50% of the total! No hassle.. just cash. check it out.