Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"It was acceptable in the 80's"
Damn those British and their eye candies. Scotland native Calvin Harris is bringing back the 80s with his beats and most importantly, his fly eyes.
Here's a nice remix of Merrymaking by Mr. Oizo of Ed Banger, and a tropical remix of CSS by Harris.
"Merrymaking at my place (Mr Oizo remix)" - Calvin Harris
"Let's make love and listen to death from above (Calvin Harris remix)" - CSS
But mostly importantly, watch and learn from Harris on making those snazzy fly eyes.
Posted by
1:18 AM
Tags: music
Sunday, November 25, 2007
"This Thansgiving, arrive hungry... leave stuffed"
Feeling: Stuffed
Current Love: Boys Noize - "& Down"
Phew. Thanksgiving is over, end of school is near. It's funny how fast a semester goes past. From my point of view, it doesn't feel like that I've learned very much, but I'm ready for physics and statistics to be over with.
Thanksgiving was much fun. My family had a grand party as usual, although this year I didn't have to cook the turkey. Instead I roasted lamb for the first time in my life. In turned out fairly well for a first attempt, and I received positive feedbacks too. woot.
I made the usual mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, etc. This year I invited my friends, who were either townies or stuck here for the holidays, over for the dinner party too.
They were fairly bedazzled by the amount and variety of foods in front of them. We ate, planned Black Friday, played 360, and learned a Kpop dance.
Oh, how could I forget, we also watched our guests (mostly my neighbors) get intoxicated, which lead to one passing out and , I'm fairly certain, throwing up in my laundry room. I'm pretty sure that's never happened at my house before as far as I was aware, but in the drunk guy's defense, I can see him being the type to do so.
Mike made a comment about how all the adults were getting drunk while we are sober, which is the reverse of what usually happens. Oh irony.
I wasn't so excited about Black Friday this year as there weren't anything I really wanted to get. But I did decide to go out just for the atmosphere. I stayed up all night and headed out around 3:30 AM. Driving through Lafayette made me reminisce about Black Friday two years ago. It's hard to describe the feeling, but it's some kind of peace that you feel within... until you pass Best Buy.
The line was all the way around the building as usual. Except this year, I didn't have to be in it, so I felt nice and warm in my car... until I got out outside of the Mall.
I stopped by Kohl's first since they're the first to open at 4 AM ---- mess.
I felt somewhat out of place just walking around and browsing as everyone else was either waiting in the massive line or rushing to snag items. The line was discouraging. Even if I found anything, I didn't want to wait that long, so I left and meandered around the empty mall.
I've never been inside the mall when it was empty, so the experience was interesting. It was also interesting to see the type of people waiting in front of stores for them to open. Not just that, the type of people walking around too: Teenagers strolling with their best pal in one hand, and a cup of coffee in another; moms already loaded with bags in both hands; and just the most random people who were just there for the hell of it.
I pretty much walked back and forth the two end of the mall, going into stores as they opened. I snagged a mini fondu set at Sears right before the lines got long, and that was really the extent of my shopping besides a sweater.
I headed home around 7 just as the sun was rising. Tired, passed out.
5 PM was when I woke up. I didn't do very much all day except return Jame's 360 and play Halo3 at his place with Mike. Unproductive, but fun.
Saturday was unproductive too, so I won't go into details, but today I went out to Radio Chiguiro again. I was suppose to go in with Mayowa, but I later found out his flight from Cali was delayed.
Leo was there though, and Mike showed up later. The set didn't go as well as I expected, probably because I was still abit nervous... Oh well.
I stayed after to chat with people and drew with Leo till the place closed at 6. Unfortunately today was the last day of the exhibit, so I gave one last look of the radio before it turns back into a bleak white of nothingness. (ok, maybe not that dramatic, but it's a shame all the art will be gone)
Posted by
11:48 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
"Music sounds better with you"
Feeling: Relieved
Current Love: Mark Ronson ft. Lilly Allen - "Oh My God"
... for now at least. It felt great yesterday to be done with homework, but today's classes went by sooo slow. After a night of partying and getting roughly 4 hours of sleep, I headed for my 8:30 physics and barely stayed awake; alas, I learned nothing. I wandered off to CS only to find no one present --- oh right, class was canceled. Unfortunately I still had more classes to attend, so I ended up taking a nap in the union.
Physics recitation was at 10:30. My group finished in 30 minutes, so I grabbed food before my CS lab at McDonald's. There, I ran into my friend Kevin, whom I haven't seen since our random bus meet last semester. We chatted for a bit, and he seems to be doing well.
Lab was somewhat frustrating as my partner and I spent pretty much the entire lab trying to fix one function to read data. So that means the rest of the program is homework.
After what it felt like a long long day of class, I can now finally relax in front of my computer and sleep to my heart's content. Also, no work tonight. W00t! As far as Thanksgiving plans goes, I got none. I will probably go home tomorrow and prepared for the dinner party Thursday. Hopefully by then I will have black Friday strategies figured out, if I am not so lazy this year.
Anyways, moving on...
This past weekend was more or less, very spontaneous, but awesome.
Friday's highlight was the "Above Amused" site installation put on by Purdue Art Grad students. I didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be surprisingly wonderful and refreshing. I also got to see and chat with a lot of friends and met some new ones.
I was introduced to Snebtor, who ran a haxxed radio called Radio Chiguiro. Actually, I've seen him at Mike's Zombie dance party a few weeks back, doing visuals for AZ, who also played later in the night. (more on that later) The cool part of it all is that everyone seemed to have a passion for music and art and tries to bring that to the community, which is rare to see in Lafayette.
AZ playing, before PA got all funky
I stuck around till 10 ish to see AZ and Sweet Sixteens play. I got a good look of AZ's setup this time, which included a beat sampler, synth sampler, distortion, and other things. Basically he loop beats and synth, but it sounds really cool. It's really something I would want to do if I had the equipments, but I'll just stick to my laptop for now.
Sweet Sixteens followed after his set was over. Apparently Sara's boyfriend is the guitarist. It's my first time seeing them, and their sound reminded me of Eagles of Death Metal: happy short and rock n' roll.
Photos from Above Amused:

Fast forward to 3:30 pm: Mayowa called me to go into Chiguiro for a live DJ set. I'm not gonna lie, I was not very sober at that point and didn't have anything prepared. After some exchange, he convinced me to go. I figured what the hell, it's all fun and games even if I screw up horribly.
I got ready and headed over to the studio. Snebtor helped us set up, and Mayowa started with his set while I pulled stuff together to make something out of nothing. I was kind of scared, but at the same time I didn't care so much.
My set was ok, but not awesome. After my set, Mayowa and I collaborated with our lappys to end the show. It was hard beat matching manually, (especially with two different programs: he was running Traktor and I was running Ableton), but we pulled off alright. Snebtor seemed to enjoyed, so that was good. He invited us back for next week, and hopefully by then we'll be more prepared.
After finishing around 6, I headed over to Mike's for a Thanksgiving dinner party. It was chill and fun. I played Mahjong with the Asians, ate Turkey etc and cookies, played Wii, and had a blast.
Posted by
2:52 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Bazzooka Network now has a new face.
This should have happened a long time ago.
Things are still under construction, and suggestions are welcome.
Posted by
8:36 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Flickr hit 2000000000 (that's two billion) pictures uploaded on the 13th. Yes, that is the picture, slightly modified. It's not that awesome, but I can see it being so much worse.
My last picture post on Flickr was #1698163723 on Oct. 22. If I did my math correctly, there would have been an average post of 13,123,316.4 pictures per day till Nov. 13 to reach 2 billion pics. Impressive.
Congrats Flickr, now give us more space for pictars!
Posted by
11:57 AM
Tags: internets
Friday, November 09, 2007
Fall Fall Fall Falling
Feeling: Still abit sick, but : )
Current Love: "Any Way You Choose To Give It (The Whip Remix)" - The Black Ghost
Yatta! It's friday.
Friday puts in a great mood. Perhaps it's the warm autumn ray trickling through the shades of orange and yellow, or perhaps it's the sense of accomplishment--- another week survived.
The weeks have been flying past very quickly, probably because of the amount of work I have to do/plan on doing. It's nice staying busy, which makes having time to relax feel so much more enjoyable.
The past two weeks have been filled with exams. Physics was abit dissapointing, ME score surprised me... in a good sense. But I'm happy about that, considering that takes off a lot of worries I had for the class. CS was last night, and it went alright, and finally, quiz in IE class today, my last class of the day.
Not sure what the weekend will hold, but we'll see.
Posted by
4:49 PM
Thursday, November 01, 2007
"It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!"
Feeling: Sick.
Current Love: "I Get Around (Midnight Juggernauts remix)" - Dragonette
Runny nose is a bummer, but I seem to get it all the time unfortunately. Homecoming weekend probably contributed much to my current health state, but I can't really complain.
The past few weeks have been fairly hectic; perhaps engineering is finally starting to drag me down. Looking at my schedule for next semester, I don't think things will get any easier. Exams are coming up in the following weeks, and after that will be Thanksgiving, which I'm fairly looking forward to.
Going back to the weekend, it was much fun as it was random and tiring. The weekend was :
A. Purdue homecoming
B. Halloween weekendish
C. Visit from friends/hanging out with friends
A. Even though I didn't partake it any homecoming activities, I did end up going to the game agaisnt Northwestern on a whelm as I was dragged into going. But the great part was that Mike was able to get me in for free, which was impressive in his not-very-sober state. The game ended up being fairly fun, and I was glad that I tagged along.
B. The Muse was set to open Fri., and I was looking forward to it/the halloween party...except it didn't open. I was mostly disappointed because of all the hard work I put in. I won't rant about my boss, but she could be handling things better. Nonetheless, I still got to wear my Nascar-hick turned "Busy E" attire Saturday.
Speaking of Saturday...but I should probably go back to Thursday. Me and Mike's friend Brad came down to visit from NYC, because his parents (Purdue alumni) were in town for Homecoming. Brad's brother Jeff and Jeff's roommate also came down Friday. Anyways, we all went out for Karaoke Saturday night in our costumes. (The best was probably Jeff's banana suit) I ran into Ester, who left for Korean 3 years ago and just came back this semester for college. She called my name, and I turned over to see an unfamiliar face -- she looks completely different! Seconds later, it struck me. I'm not completely sure why, but I realized it was her and gave her a warm greeting.
Karaoke was fun times, but the party was just beginning. After stopping by Morgan's dance party with Connie, we converged later with everyone at Noel's party, conveniently located across from my apartment. Dancing ensued, to the beat of the mixtape I made earlier in the day in a very tired/inebriated/half-asleep state. It turned out ok, but I was mostly happy that people were enjoying/dancing to it, so, mission accomplished.
C. Just because this whole post is not very chronological and most likely confusing, I'm going to go back to Friday.
Friday was Rumi's birthday, so Brad and I joined her for dinner at Asahi along with her entourage. We waited for awhile to get seated, and even longer for a chief to cook for us, and to our luck, we got the overly annoying, slightly homoerotic, Malaysian blabbermouth. The food wasn't as good as I had recalled even though I was starving from all the waiting. Oh well.
Dinner took awhile, by the time we got back to Rumi's, it was already 11ish. She got ready to hit the bars while all her friends flocked in one-by-one as midnight approached.
Around 12:30 am, the masses migrated to the bars, while I stayed behind. John was nice enough to keep me company since he didn't really drink, so we decided to make boba aka. bubble tea at my place. We listened to music, watched videos, debated about Jens Lekman's current home, and had a boba fight. All in all it was fun, but I was pretty dead by 3 and called it a night.
So, that's about it in summary, oh wait.
Now I'm done.
Posted by
10:38 PM