Sunday, November 25, 2007
"This Thansgiving, arrive hungry... leave stuffed"
Feeling: Stuffed
Current Love: Boys Noize - "& Down"
Phew. Thanksgiving is over, end of school is near. It's funny how fast a semester goes past. From my point of view, it doesn't feel like that I've learned very much, but I'm ready for physics and statistics to be over with.
Thanksgiving was much fun. My family had a grand party as usual, although this year I didn't have to cook the turkey. Instead I roasted lamb for the first time in my life. In turned out fairly well for a first attempt, and I received positive feedbacks too. woot.
I made the usual mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, etc. This year I invited my friends, who were either townies or stuck here for the holidays, over for the dinner party too.
They were fairly bedazzled by the amount and variety of foods in front of them. We ate, planned Black Friday, played 360, and learned a Kpop dance.
Oh, how could I forget, we also watched our guests (mostly my neighbors) get intoxicated, which lead to one passing out and , I'm fairly certain, throwing up in my laundry room. I'm pretty sure that's never happened at my house before as far as I was aware, but in the drunk guy's defense, I can see him being the type to do so.
Mike made a comment about how all the adults were getting drunk while we are sober, which is the reverse of what usually happens. Oh irony.
I wasn't so excited about Black Friday this year as there weren't anything I really wanted to get. But I did decide to go out just for the atmosphere. I stayed up all night and headed out around 3:30 AM. Driving through Lafayette made me reminisce about Black Friday two years ago. It's hard to describe the feeling, but it's some kind of peace that you feel within... until you pass Best Buy.
The line was all the way around the building as usual. Except this year, I didn't have to be in it, so I felt nice and warm in my car... until I got out outside of the Mall.
I stopped by Kohl's first since they're the first to open at 4 AM ---- mess.
I felt somewhat out of place just walking around and browsing as everyone else was either waiting in the massive line or rushing to snag items. The line was discouraging. Even if I found anything, I didn't want to wait that long, so I left and meandered around the empty mall.
I've never been inside the mall when it was empty, so the experience was interesting. It was also interesting to see the type of people waiting in front of stores for them to open. Not just that, the type of people walking around too: Teenagers strolling with their best pal in one hand, and a cup of coffee in another; moms already loaded with bags in both hands; and just the most random people who were just there for the hell of it.
I pretty much walked back and forth the two end of the mall, going into stores as they opened. I snagged a mini fondu set at Sears right before the lines got long, and that was really the extent of my shopping besides a sweater.
I headed home around 7 just as the sun was rising. Tired, passed out.
5 PM was when I woke up. I didn't do very much all day except return Jame's 360 and play Halo3 at his place with Mike. Unproductive, but fun.
Saturday was unproductive too, so I won't go into details, but today I went out to Radio Chiguiro again. I was suppose to go in with Mayowa, but I later found out his flight from Cali was delayed.
Leo was there though, and Mike showed up later. The set didn't go as well as I expected, probably because I was still abit nervous... Oh well.
I stayed after to chat with people and drew with Leo till the place closed at 6. Unfortunately today was the last day of the exhibit, so I gave one last look of the radio before it turns back into a bleak white of nothingness. (ok, maybe not that dramatic, but it's a shame all the art will be gone)
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11:48 PM
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