BaZz! Well I’m back and bazooka network is up and running! Not that I went anywhere... I have been very busy lately, school work primarily. I stayed up all night for the past couple of days working on papers; I guess I’m wrong about things are easier here. Biology isn’t going so well here. I currently have an 80 in the class... oh and I wonder why, perhaps..I failed my first test? Yup. I can’t blame it all on myself now, since I did miss just about oh 8 weeks of school. So to make up for it, I’m gonna work hard on our science project paper. I’m actually proud of myself for working diligently and not slack off, and yay, I got a 100!^.^ All the other classes are okay, finally finished my History paper, and I found out Mr. Pughe changed it to be due on Mon... You can say I’m abit short of luck, but it does pay off.
Today we had a 1/2 day in school, which meant we got out at noon= 30 min classes. It’s work, just talks. At 11 we even had a convo in the auditorium to watch the symphonic orchestra and percussion ensemble perform. The orchestra was good, they played Chicago and LOTR; I kinda wish I played a string. The “drummers” were..intresting. It’s funny how there are about 13 of them and they have their own “drumming” class. At the end they did a performance on garbage cans.
I like the black light show much better...back in the days...
So that killed and hour of class and we all happily headed home for a fun-filled Thursday afternoon. I had a different plan though.
The Union.
Gennia invited me to go with her again [see post 11/2] and Lenna. So I said yes and we walked to campus after school. Purdue’s not that far from our school actually. The closest building is only 5 mins away. After struggling long with the weather (yup..the north wind has finally landed), we arrived after 10 mins. As I expected, the place was pretty empty. After all school is still in session. But every once and a while some computer geeks (no offence) would come in and play like a round of DDR in oni mode---guess they need to relief their DDR urge after every class...How funny.
We hung out till 2 O’clock and headed back for the school where my mom picked me up. I wasn’t planning on it but Jennifer called me to go see a movie. Well sure. So at 3 we went to see...well what else than Matrix. I’ve heard many comments about the movie and how it was “crap”, crappest of em all. Then I heard it was “awesome.” I’ll be my own judge. was good. The fight secenes were awesome and other scenes were sad and shock. Like when they...okay, I won’t spoil it for those who’s still in confusion. The end was very confusing though... All and all it was decent. We even stayed after the credits because we are such devoted fans...they could’ve at least put some stuff at the end, maybe like, oh a trailer? >.<>
"..Somewhere..over the rainbow.."
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Back by popular demand, it's...
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9:26 PM