School's been going pretty well.In history we had "Islam Day." ( Not to be confused with arabs and muslims..they're very different!) All it is that we talked about Muhammad and the 5 pillars and thou shall pray 5 times a day and thou can have more than 5 wives...stuff like that you know. Study hall is great, I can totally work on my homeworks and projects. I did more research on Dante. Inferno is really a great book; I'm only 1/2 way through it though. I'll put up the link to a quiz I found on the web; which circle of hell well you end up? the quiz is okay in general, but I think I could've made up a better, simpler one with my enlightened brain on Inferno. The link is at the bottom so enjoy. I'm interested to see what your result is.
Moving on.
Biology is pretty frantic these days...and very hard. We've done 3 consecutive labs and this one is among the hardest. If you're so interested, it's " Using colorimeter, CBL, TI-83 to calc. Protein concentrations in milk." It sucks.
Band was good. I was getting tired of playing the same Ol fall concert music. We sight read some pieces for the winter concert, and a piece our conductor composed for a marching band (i.e. circus music)
English was fun. We were studying "Devil and Tom Walker" last week and had to make up a song about the story to present today. My group "sang" a tone with DDR background music. ( "Max Resurrection"; guess it kinda fits with the theme)
Can I say poetry reading?
I had fun mocking the other groups.
That's about all the excitement in school. It's getting pretty cold here, snow may come any day now. I just now found out there's no day light saving here; Indiana is Special. Yup, so that means I'm on eastern times right now, which kinda sucks for me. I should start a petition.
I put up some Halloween decorations around to house, though I don't know my plan for that night.
Scare little kids... I have the evil power..
Anywho... here's the test, have fun and don't be sad if you wouldn't make it to the same level as your friends...get over it, or get evil. ( this fits pretty well with the whole Halloween thing eh?)
I want to know what you got!
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) High Level 2 (Lustful) Very Low Level 3 (Gluttonous) Low Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Moderate Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Low Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) High Level 7 (Violent) Low Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) High Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Moderate
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
How many rounds are in a circle?
Posted by
7:26 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Today was a gloomy day. My dad woke me up at 10 for a "fun-filled" road trip. We originally planned to visit Chicago and "IKEA decorating store", but we Ended up going to Indianapolis--my new state capital. The weather wasn't all that great as you can see in the pic. It was pretty cold and rained most of the day. It isn't all that far, one hour or so.(Indianapolis is the new Nashville!) We wasted tons of time trying to find this furniture store, which is the main purpose of visiting the city, or might I say, the boonies.
Places I loath:
I don't see how adults likes to browse a store for hours looking at finely assembled pieces of wood that they usually never buy. I'm talking from experience here folks. When we got our new house back in Tullahoma, I don't remember how many of those stores I've been to; it's horrible I tell you!Ahhhhh!Soo boring...just like Lowe's. First the lighting store, then 2 furniture stores, and McDonald's ( I won a large fries w00t!) Afterwards, we tackled two more furniture store, then Khol's. I bought a shirt for $5; guess that was my only excitement for the day. After a final visit to Home Depot's, we finally headed home around 7. Dad got a ticket from the cops. Nah just kidding, thought I'd take a pic of the "unlucky one." I'm really starting to like taking photos. My dream job of the day is to be a photographer uncovering government conspiracies. Yeah, like the game "Beyond good and evil."
Anyway, so I got was still raining, and I was tired.
This weekends going slow. Good and bad I suppose. I had the entire friday off for our one day "fall break"; better than zero right? It's a nice break to get away from school; still have tons of homework to finish tomorrow... I now have a new history paper to do, and it's not even an honor's credit class. I got an A on the Punic War paper; let's see how well I'll do on the "Dante" paper. Surely you all know Dante and his "Diving comedy." I started reading "Inferno" last night and it's pretty good...but long.( I wonder what'll happen if I chose Chaucer instead?) Of course Friday is never the best time for homework. I spent the entire day playing DR..yup, that's the life. Movie thing didn't really work out this week, but I still want to go see Kill Bill next week or so.
Well I'm going to take this time and thank everyone who's still visiting my blog. It's appreciative and good for my counter :) I know my blog wouldn't last forever or even 5 years. (Blogger most likely will go bankrupt or make it a paying service...or I'll just quit) But the audience is everything right? Everyone gets their spot light now, and maybe even later. So thanks, whoever you are, just be glad you never visited Indianapolis' boonies.
Posted by
10:29 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Just some minor changes. Since Halloween is nearing, I thought about changing the template just to be in the mood.
I don't like it that much anyway.
School felt long, since we had to take the PSAT all morning. I got to school abit late after the 8:00 bell already rang. I just sort of followed the mass of people since I had no idea where the test was to be taken. I arrived at the gym just to find out on sophomore A-D was suppose to be in there. I smacked my head and walked back hasty to the other end of the building; lecture hall. So I go in and everyone's there, and the teaching reading out the instruction. I walked up to her only to find out some kid already took my assigned seat. Well what's the solution? I sat in my own little table at the very front just beside the podium.
I feel sooo special.
Taking the test was a pain----literally.
The chair I sat in was way too high for the table ( they were practically at the same level). The entire time I had to lean my back down all the way which is painful after 3 hours.
Math was really easy I thought, I figured all all the question expect for one or two.But I really hate the English part. For one I don't like vocab, 2nd it sucks to read all the stuff.
Did you get the essay about adult reading books is hick-ism?
Anyways, I missed 4 classes b/c of PSAT, good and bad. I didn't get to finish up homework as usual in my 3rd hour study hall. The rest of the day was pretty good. Band was 30 mins longer due to our concert for tomorrow night. But hey, still had 35 mins. of lunch left. In English we're studying Edgar Allan Poe once more. ( Back in the old days of 8th grade...good memories) We did, again, watched Simpson's "The Raven." Eat my shorts.
"The name 'Griffin' will be as well-known through out the art history
as Kandinsky!"
"..Da vinci?"
"uh..Bazooka Joe?"
"There we go!"
(Justa nice quote for the day.)
*1866-1944; Russ. Painter in Germany & France
*1430-94; Fl. Painter, prob. born in Germany: also
*1452-1519; It. painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, & scientist
Posted by
8:33 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2003
Things are the usual. This week went by really fast for some reason, not saying it's a bad thing. School was fairly well. I like how my schedule is expect for the fact I'm stuck with freshmen in 3 classes. Come to think about it, they're really annoying.( I wonder if everyone was like that their freshmen year...) I really like the lunch, just go out and do whatever. It makes the 2 afternoon classes seem pretty short(despite the fact it's English and Geometry).
Weekend's been going all right, I went to a Halloween party at an Elementary school on Fri. My friend Jennifer invited me to go with her since her little sister's going. Sounds alittle "childish", but I went . It actually wasn't that bad, sort of reminded me of the costume party back during my Elementary days. We didn't dress up of course..That would've been not-acting-our-age. There were games, food, free food, prizes, and other stuff. The games were a piece of cake, and I won some prizes yay! And for a low price of 50 cents, I won a cake! Wow was I lucky or what? 1:20 odds. The night went well, I even saw my history teacher, Mr. Pugh.
Food: $1.00
games: $.50
complaining to your history teacher while having a good time: Priceless
We left around 8:00 and I hung out at Jennifer's house till 10PM. We were planning to go see "Kill Bill 1" but that didn't work out b/c we didn't have a ride; maybe next week.
All and all it was fun, but sat. Wasn't all that pleasant...
Yup, another paint day.
I had to get up at 10 which is a killer on weekends. I grabbed some bites and hastily drove to Lowe's with my parents.
How I despise that place.
My parents being parents, strolled around the 50% off nursery for I-really-don't-wanna-know-how-long. Then we headed to the paint section. I bought a yellow for my bedroom( just like my old one), and a lime for study room. The paints are a nice cool bright color. Last I bought a dark Burgundy for my bathroom. Yeah I know it's kinda dark, but it'll turn out good.
So that night we went to work. We started with my room, and it only took an hour. The color was pretty bright and we had a hard time just looking at it. I left my mark on the wall, but it's gone now... Dad bought me a mirror for no apparent reasons.
I don't like mirrors in my bedroom.
Next we moved on to the study room which is next door. I really like this shade of green. This one we did in less that an hour also. Maybe we should start a family painting biz...
So this room looks good; it matches my frog collectioneven though I don't like frogs that much.
Right now my parents are working on my bathroom while I sit here and indulge on my chocolate cake. Tomorrow's the first day of 2nd nine weeks; more work to be done...
I guess that's about all. Oh yeah, the pic of the day from Weds. Unfortunately no one got it right. The answer is:
100 individually wrapped Bazooka bubble gum in Hebrew.
I wonder if they have Hebrew "Bazooka Joe" comics?
Posted by
2:49 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
It's cold in here...
It rained today. It haven't rained since the first day I got here. Funny to think back that day when I stared out the window from my new house and though about how I would write all this in my blog.
Times have changed.
Today was fairly slow, with the gloomy and cold weather. It's been really windy here; I wouldn't be suprised it it snowed tomorrow. I woke up at the same time every morning, 7:00. Things are the same except the sun wasn't all in my face. Dad drove me to school about 10 mins. away. I walked into the main door of this three story building...West side High...
First class: French.
I wasn't suppose to start French till my junior, but I'm in that class now to catch up oh just about 8 weeks of stuff.
I don't like the teacher...she scares me.
Second hour: World History.
Things are easy in there since I'm way ahead of them. ( they're not on a block schedule) I like Mr. Pugh, and I offten wonder why he didn't take up a career in acting or a Theater Art's teacher. We're learning about Rome right now and I have to do a paper on the Punic War. Fun.
trois heurne: Study Hall.
I went to the library again to work on my paper. They're really strick about the computers. You have to log into your own account to get on the computer and even use IE. While in there, I also checked out a copy of "The Art of War";
Just to expand my reference for my paper and something intresting to read from time to time, not that I'll understand everything...
4th hour: Biology
Biology's okay for the most part: Pretty good teacher ( Albough is still among the best), pubescent freshmen, and whole lotta polymer crap. Its not easy for the most part.
5th hour: Band
Band is one of those classes you don't need to worry about, and it's also enjoyable from time to time. I have to say their band dosen't suck as I imagined, and it's a pretty small band. I'm suprised they started a marching band this year consists of 30 dedicated band members and a very crappy football team to cheer upon. Today we got out unforms for the up coming concert. They're not marching unforms, but dresses.( the guys wear tux) Now our band director is pretty kewl, yet weird. He's young, and would I say too energetic. It's so funny to watch him start conducting b/c he put tons of body motion+ the crosseye and constipated look. What a guy.
6th hour: Lunch. yay
As I mentioned, we have an open campus lunch where you can drive/walk eat where ever. I stayed at the cafeteria today since it was rainning. The food sucks. I didn't eat that much but rather utilized the time to finish up some of the homework. Good job for me.
7th period: English.
Well almost the end of the day, if I can sit through this class. Our teacher, Ms. Packskewski..Ms. P to be called, is fairly cool. She's only like 26 and into all the stuff we like. I heard from someone that she has this huge tattoo that covers her whole back. Now that's something. American Literature isn't my most favorite subject, but I guess she kinda makes it better.
8th period: Geometry.
Last class w00t! But it's the freshmen's again...>.<>
Posted by
7:30 PM
Monday, October 13, 2003
New Member
This is a post about teh Bis.
Alan likes to bowl, in fact it's his favorite thing to do in the world.
Alan's name is Albino Bowler,but people call him 'Dick.'
Alan doesn't think so, but he's really a midget,
Alan is confused sometimes, about his wild libido.
But that doesn't matter, because we all love Alan.
It all started a long long time ago...
"The legend began on a crisp October night in 1994, at a small 12-lane alley just outside of Abido, Tennessee. League night was winding down and, as usual, some of the guys decided to stick around and roll a few games for money. About midway through the first game, the doors swung wide open and a pale figure with a bowling bag stood in the doorway. He walked in slowly, pointed at lanes nine and ten, then sat down to change his shoes.
The locals' games had all but stopped as they gazed at him with curiosity and amusement. They noticed that just above the stranger's breast pocket was a hand-stitched name: Dick. Paying no mind to their low murmurs and stifled laughter, Dick put a brace around his wrist and pulled a gleaming white bowling ball from his bag. He squinted at the lane for a few seconds, then took a slow steady approach and sent the ball speeding toward the pins. The ball rumbled out toward the ten board, drowning out the whispers and chuckles, then slammed back into the pocket with a thunderous crash. As the pins lay scattered, some still spinning from the force, Dick turned back toward the ball return, nodded and smiled.
For the next half hour, the locals were treated to an extraordinary display of bowling virtuosity. They watched in awe as he rolled strikes and picked up spares with an amazing array of shots, all executed with uncanny precision and artistry. He never said a word  he didn't even keep score, and he barely even noticed the spattering of applause when he was finished.
And then he was gone. Before the other bowlers could ask him to join their league he vanished out the door and into the night. Those who were there that night never forgot what they witnessed, and many people have since claimed to have seen his thick sideburns, steely pink eyes and gleaming white ball in some small bowling alley, in some small town on some memorable evening..."
"Major Bowling action here man!"
This post was in request of Alan.Thee writer is not responsible for the contents. Some info courtesy of AlbinoBowler org. and has been modified.
Posted by
6:13 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2003
W00t weekend. Is it really that great though? When the bell rang friday at 3:30, I thought to myself : "hey, it's friday." Then what? I wanted to go see School of Rock, but I don't know where the theater is. Or hey, what about the mall? nah I rather stay home and utilize the internet.
So I've been working all weekend.
The house needed work even though it's new. My parents and I spent the 2 days painting. Our living room + kitchen was already done on friday; a light forest greenish color. Last night we did my dad's study room. The paint was a cheap $4 from where other people didn't want it. The colors okay, I had some fun painting my masterpiece.
It turned out well.
I was forced to get up at 12 today. The sun hits my room pretty bad and it's like a boiler in my room around that time.
I don't like my room.
Today we worked on the master bedroom.It's fangoriusly large. ( like 1/2 of the 2nd floor) The color is a nice neutral lavender.The more I look at the paint the more it looks like yogurt. It looks so good to eat ( and no..I wasn't hungry at the time..) I mean the color is good and the texture. Creamy thick swirling thingy...mmm; the smell might need some work.
Anyway, we started the room and got done in about 2 hours. Pretty easy and better than last night's job. Of course I had fun with this one too. My arm as the canvas.
Better yet, there's more excitement to come next week folks! On the menu: my very own bedroom and study room. What color will I chose eh? Pretty in pink? Bloody red? hippie rainbow? Find out next week! Same time, same place.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures and giving you inspirations for your next big project. I must go now to play a round of DR, cya.
Note: all images in this post are copyrighted and displayed only for ideal not use them at your own expense! You have been warned..thank you and have a nice day.
Posted by
4:24 PM
Friday, October 10, 2003
Tu es de Lafayette?
Non, je suis de Tennessee. Greetings from Indiana. hooo...
Been a week since my last post, since I just got DSL today. Let's just say too much things have happened for me to write it all, so,to make my part easier, I'll put them into OLs. Crap --->
So there. Other than the crap there's always the not-crap( Chocolate ice cream I suppose) things. School's descent. I changed my mind about favoring the 8-class a day better than block schedule. It feels like long days everyday. The classes are 55 mins. long + the 50 min. lunch.(yay!) I'll talk about all my classes sometimes later,but lunch is a whole different story and the best part. During the 50 mins. students get to leave campus and go anywhere. Thus the cafeteria food sucks.
I wish I have my license.
The non-drivers usually walk over around Purdue area to eat. Purdue, if you didn't know, is a really good university that almost everyone has heard of located in the city of West Lafayette which most people never heard of.(Note: that's where I live now.) I walked to McDonald's today with some people; lot of college kids there.
I need to take more pictures.
Thanks to everyone who emailed me when I was gone. Except for the one fangoriously long email I received from
a certain someone.( won't embarrass you here :) I kinda miss Tullahoma abit. I could really use that 1 week of break. Hope you guys are having fun doing what ever, I'll post later. "Would you like an evil Asian McNugget with that?"
Posted by
5:52 PM
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Almost gone
Soon. Things have been frantic around my house. I stayed up till 1for two nights cleaning out my room and packing all my junks. To my luck, I found out that the moving Company people does the packing for you. I did all that for nothing. But the good side of the story: I found tons of stuff I was looking for. Last night was kinda suprising. Kristen called to hang out at her house and go eat. I'm for it. Her sister, Heather, picked us up and had to make a quick stop at Red Lobster to pick up a "cd" from her friend "Danny" who works there. Sure yeah. So we got there and the waitress was like " You guys with that big group that just came?" That kinda threw me off, but I just followed along. When we walked over there, the first person I saw was Ann-Marie. I was like "Hey what a coincident she's here too." But when I looked over to the other 4 people sitting beside her: Cassie, Krysta, Andrea, and Jessica; I realized, hey, this is for me. I kinda stood there for a moment laughing.
So much for Danny and his CDs.
We ate and had some pretty good laughs, took a few pictures and had more laughs. Our "big sisters" left after they drove us to Hastings; it was good times. So then we embarked on our usual hasting journey; used cds! w00t! This time was big. We bough 4 cds so we can get the 5th one free. What a deal. After the usual long period of cd browsing, Cassie's mom came and dropped us off at Kristen's house. Apparently they had another surprise there. I walked into the living room and *gasp* , 99 Red Ballons......Literally. Yup, 99 red balloons sitting in their living room; a warm-and-fuzzy moment. But the fun part is yet to come...25 balloons had messages in them so I had to pop them. Fun.
We took abunch of pictures with the balloons, then had to clean up the mess. We then talked for a bit and decided to walk around; and we did. First we walked over to Cassies, which was only a block away, to get her stuff. No biggie. On the way she stuck a balloon in someone's mailbox, which I thoughts was pretty funny. Anyways... we had the idea of walking to my house, which requires us to walk to Blue Creek subdivision and cut through the woods.
So we did.
Ann-Marie was the one who didn't think it was a good idea, since she's kinda scared of walking through the woods.
But we did.
When we got to the entrance of the wood, it was pretty dark..pitch black more like it ( due to the fact there wasn't a moon out). That kinda drove us into the hole since we had zero flashlights. We stood there for a while debating to go or not; Ann-Marie was definitely on the 'No' side.
And we didn't.
We walked back having the hope of getting some flashlights. We saw Jamie, Cassie's neighbor playing basketball appearently, and Cassie thought it would be funny to sneak up from the bushes behind his house. He saw us but just stood there. So finally we jumped out the back and waved at him. It was then we noticed he wasn't really playing basketball...nope, archery. We were all just kinda laughing geekishly; lucky for us there's not arrows through our head.
We told him about our situation and hinted him about giving us a ride or flashlights....he must've been an idiot.
We walked back to Kristen's house giving up the idea of walking me home. A lot more talking went on after till my dad picked me up at midnight; he was kinda moody for some reason. I stayed up abit late to listen to the new cds. I didn't really get a good sleep b/c my tooth was hurting me (and still is) for some reason.
Now I'm here. I woke up early to do some last min. cleaning. The packing people should be here anytime now, and I'm pretty sure they're packing the computer today. So this is probably my last post in a while; I dunno when I'll get internet and TV up in Indiana. So now it's time for me the leave. I didn't want to post a pic b/c the comment thing isn't working; or I think. If you miss me already drop me an email or a phone call; I would like that. Till then, peace out.
Oh and save the tears. :)
Posted by
10:30 AM