Today was a gloomy day. My dad woke me up at 10 for a "fun-filled" road trip. We originally planned to visit Chicago and "IKEA decorating store", but we Ended up going to Indianapolis--my new state capital. The weather wasn't all that great as you can see in the pic. It was pretty cold and rained most of the day. It isn't all that far, one hour or so.(Indianapolis is the new Nashville!) We wasted tons of time trying to find this furniture store, which is the main purpose of visiting the city, or might I say, the boonies.
Places I loath:
I don't see how adults likes to browse a store for hours looking at finely assembled pieces of wood that they usually never buy. I'm talking from experience here folks. When we got our new house back in Tullahoma, I don't remember how many of those stores I've been to; it's horrible I tell you!Ahhhhh!Soo boring...just like Lowe's. First the lighting store, then 2 furniture stores, and McDonald's ( I won a large fries w00t!) Afterwards, we tackled two more furniture store, then Khol's. I bought a shirt for $5; guess that was my only excitement for the day. After a final visit to Home Depot's, we finally headed home around 7. Dad got a ticket from the cops. Nah just kidding, thought I'd take a pic of the "unlucky one." I'm really starting to like taking photos. My dream job of the day is to be a photographer uncovering government conspiracies. Yeah, like the game "Beyond good and evil."
Anyway, so I got was still raining, and I was tired.
This weekends going slow. Good and bad I suppose. I had the entire friday off for our one day "fall break"; better than zero right? It's a nice break to get away from school; still have tons of homework to finish tomorrow... I now have a new history paper to do, and it's not even an honor's credit class. I got an A on the Punic War paper; let's see how well I'll do on the "Dante" paper. Surely you all know Dante and his "Diving comedy." I started reading "Inferno" last night and it's pretty good...but long.( I wonder what'll happen if I chose Chaucer instead?) Of course Friday is never the best time for homework. I spent the entire day playing DR..yup, that's the life. Movie thing didn't really work out this week, but I still want to go see Kill Bill next week or so.
Well I'm going to take this time and thank everyone who's still visiting my blog. It's appreciative and good for my counter :) I know my blog wouldn't last forever or even 5 years. (Blogger most likely will go bankrupt or make it a paying service...or I'll just quit) But the audience is everything right? Everyone gets their spot light now, and maybe even later. So thanks, whoever you are, just be glad you never visited Indianapolis' boonies.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
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10:29 PM