Soon. Things have been frantic around my house. I stayed up till 1for two nights cleaning out my room and packing all my junks. To my luck, I found out that the moving Company people does the packing for you. I did all that for nothing. But the good side of the story: I found tons of stuff I was looking for. Last night was kinda suprising. Kristen called to hang out at her house and go eat. I'm for it. Her sister, Heather, picked us up and had to make a quick stop at Red Lobster to pick up a "cd" from her friend "Danny" who works there. Sure yeah. So we got there and the waitress was like " You guys with that big group that just came?" That kinda threw me off, but I just followed along. When we walked over there, the first person I saw was Ann-Marie. I was like "Hey what a coincident she's here too." But when I looked over to the other 4 people sitting beside her: Cassie, Krysta, Andrea, and Jessica; I realized, hey, this is for me. I kinda stood there for a moment laughing.
So much for Danny and his CDs.
We ate and had some pretty good laughs, took a few pictures and had more laughs. Our "big sisters" left after they drove us to Hastings; it was good times. So then we embarked on our usual hasting journey; used cds! w00t! This time was big. We bough 4 cds so we can get the 5th one free. What a deal. After the usual long period of cd browsing, Cassie's mom came and dropped us off at Kristen's house. Apparently they had another surprise there. I walked into the living room and *gasp* , 99 Red Ballons......Literally. Yup, 99 red balloons sitting in their living room; a warm-and-fuzzy moment. But the fun part is yet to come...25 balloons had messages in them so I had to pop them. Fun.
We took abunch of pictures with the balloons, then had to clean up the mess. We then talked for a bit and decided to walk around; and we did. First we walked over to Cassies, which was only a block away, to get her stuff. No biggie. On the way she stuck a balloon in someone's mailbox, which I thoughts was pretty funny. Anyways... we had the idea of walking to my house, which requires us to walk to Blue Creek subdivision and cut through the woods.
So we did.
Ann-Marie was the one who didn't think it was a good idea, since she's kinda scared of walking through the woods.
But we did.
When we got to the entrance of the wood, it was pretty dark..pitch black more like it ( due to the fact there wasn't a moon out). That kinda drove us into the hole since we had zero flashlights. We stood there for a while debating to go or not; Ann-Marie was definitely on the 'No' side.
And we didn't.
We walked back having the hope of getting some flashlights. We saw Jamie, Cassie's neighbor playing basketball appearently, and Cassie thought it would be funny to sneak up from the bushes behind his house. He saw us but just stood there. So finally we jumped out the back and waved at him. It was then we noticed he wasn't really playing basketball...nope, archery. We were all just kinda laughing geekishly; lucky for us there's not arrows through our head.
We told him about our situation and hinted him about giving us a ride or flashlights....he must've been an idiot.
We walked back to Kristen's house giving up the idea of walking me home. A lot more talking went on after till my dad picked me up at midnight; he was kinda moody for some reason. I stayed up abit late to listen to the new cds. I didn't really get a good sleep b/c my tooth was hurting me (and still is) for some reason.
Now I'm here. I woke up early to do some last min. cleaning. The packing people should be here anytime now, and I'm pretty sure they're packing the computer today. So this is probably my last post in a while; I dunno when I'll get internet and TV up in Indiana. So now it's time for me the leave. I didn't want to post a pic b/c the comment thing isn't working; or I think. If you miss me already drop me an email or a phone call; I would like that. Till then, peace out.
Oh and save the tears. :)
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Almost gone
Posted by
10:30 AM