It rained today. It haven't rained since the first day I got here. Funny to think back that day when I stared out the window from my new house and though about how I would write all this in my blog.
Times have changed.
Today was fairly slow, with the gloomy and cold weather. It's been really windy here; I wouldn't be suprised it it snowed tomorrow. I woke up at the same time every morning, 7:00. Things are the same except the sun wasn't all in my face. Dad drove me to school about 10 mins. away. I walked into the main door of this three story building...West side High...
First class: French.
I wasn't suppose to start French till my junior, but I'm in that class now to catch up oh just about 8 weeks of stuff.
I don't like the teacher...she scares me.
Second hour: World History.
Things are easy in there since I'm way ahead of them. ( they're not on a block schedule) I like Mr. Pugh, and I offten wonder why he didn't take up a career in acting or a Theater Art's teacher. We're learning about Rome right now and I have to do a paper on the Punic War. Fun.
trois heurne: Study Hall.
I went to the library again to work on my paper. They're really strick about the computers. You have to log into your own account to get on the computer and even use IE. While in there, I also checked out a copy of "The Art of War";
Just to expand my reference for my paper and something intresting to read from time to time, not that I'll understand everything...
4th hour: Biology
Biology's okay for the most part: Pretty good teacher ( Albough is still among the best), pubescent freshmen, and whole lotta polymer crap. Its not easy for the most part.
5th hour: Band
Band is one of those classes you don't need to worry about, and it's also enjoyable from time to time. I have to say their band dosen't suck as I imagined, and it's a pretty small band. I'm suprised they started a marching band this year consists of 30 dedicated band members and a very crappy football team to cheer upon. Today we got out unforms for the up coming concert. They're not marching unforms, but dresses.( the guys wear tux) Now our band director is pretty kewl, yet weird. He's young, and would I say too energetic. It's so funny to watch him start conducting b/c he put tons of body motion+ the crosseye and constipated look. What a guy.
6th hour: Lunch. yay
As I mentioned, we have an open campus lunch where you can drive/walk eat where ever. I stayed at the cafeteria today since it was rainning. The food sucks. I didn't eat that much but rather utilized the time to finish up some of the homework. Good job for me.
7th period: English.
Well almost the end of the day, if I can sit through this class. Our teacher, Ms. Packskewski..Ms. P to be called, is fairly cool. She's only like 26 and into all the stuff we like. I heard from someone that she has this huge tattoo that covers her whole back. Now that's something. American Literature isn't my most favorite subject, but I guess she kinda makes it better.
8th period: Geometry.
Last class w00t! But it's the freshmen's again...>.<>
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
It's cold in here...
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7:30 PM