Hey it's New Years Eve! None cares..
It would've been fine if nothing had happened today, but unfortunately for me, it did.
I would say it all started on Monday. My dad bought me a Laser Printer for no apparent reason. Not that it's bad, my inkJet was awful.
What I find to be weird is that the printer used an USB instead of Printer Port. That I complained about since I only have 2 USB on my VAIO, which both are already in use.
"Let's get that upgrade already!"
My dad's been wanting to upgrade my computer for the longest time. He bough a new case, mother board, cpu and all a long time ago. We did try to add them onto my comp, but something didn't work out( I think the ribbons were too short). So I never really bothered with it for awhile. An upgrade is good..my VAIO is fairly old and a piece of crap. But there's also other factors upon an upgrade:
I'd have to reinstall all my programs. ( have done it twice already..hate it)
I might even have to reinstall an OS ( operating system)
So I just left it alone and used what I can....Until that day we got the printer...
I guess my dad just couldn't contain himself. He took apart my computer that night ( I couldn't really stop him..) and took out most of the parts: CD-ROM, 2 hard drives, floppy, memories, etc.
The case he bought ( apearently from ebay) is way to big. I mean it has 6 CPL and hard drive slots, 4 cd-rom slots, and on top of that...I hate it! I don't need all that space...it's meant for some computer nerds...
I thought at first the whole "taking parts out, putting parts in" would be easy..but, I was so wrong.
I didn't take us long to move all the parts to the new computer. The only problem we encountered was that the floppy ribbon was too short..no biggy. Once we hooked it to the monitor and gave it ago...it didn't work. For some reason neither of my OS(Win98 and 2000) would start; there seems to be a problem with the hard drives. My dad thought it might not recognize which is the Master or Slave ( Yeah..isn't computer weird? Masters and slaves....male and females...Why don't they just name it 1,2 or A,B? I could talk more..but maybe later). Anyways, that took out about the whole day, and we just went around in circles.
Day2, Wed:
I advised giving up and just go back to the original, but my dad...god he never gives up.
Today we tired to reintall an OS. He went and bought WinXP from him work ( It's only $5!) For some reason it required a new partition, but the 2 I have are already in use. In other words, I had to sacrifice one of my hard drive. I was forced to delete everything on my C:/. it was only 7G, but I probably had some stuff I wanted on there. All this to get XP to work...and it didn't. I really just gave up then, but my dad..
He fooled with it more, more than he should have.
dad:" Umm...why is there 80G on here?"
Me: " well that's the D:/..duh.."
"oooh..so that's why..I knew something was weird.."
"What did you do?"
" Well...umm...I think I formatted your D: drive.."
If you kept up with our convo...I'm pretty much screwed. My dad thought the D drive is the C Drive, which meant he formatted the D drive.which..god...
which mean he deleted everything I have on there...which is everything I have.
He claims he didn't..or he can still recover it, but I hightly doubt it. Just think of all the things I had on there..all my files including school stuff, artworks, music/movie files, and all my program files. I still don't know if it's really gone or not..but guess I'll see soon...
Wed., 7:39:
So I'm here on my dad's laptop. At least we still have an operational computer to help alittle. My dad is installing 2000 right now...on my old comp. I just hope it works.
I really do not know how this whole thing will work out. All I'm hopping for is my D: and an working computer.
If you'd like to help solve my computer mystery, drop me a tip/advice whatever.
Oh yeah...Happy New Years...
I can't even do anything without photoshop >.<>
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
New Year calls for a downgrade
Posted by
7:55 PM
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Weekly Report
My week is over. I have to say my stay at Tullahoma wasn't so bad. Although it only lasted
for 4 days, I still had a good time.
The only thing I hate is the road trip. There's nothing fun about being in a car for 7 hours. On top of that, another
3 hours stuck in a traffic jam. The day was Wendsday, the starting date. I stayed up that night hoping to kill the time
by sleeping in the car. That didn't go to well.. I barely got any sleep in the car, but was still tired and such.
It snowed that day. Not much excitment for me; I've seen enough snow already. As we got onto the highway, there was a
huge traffic jam. I didn't know why, but we were stuck there for 3 hours...
But that's not all of course, My dad, being a "talented driver" that he is, pulled out of what could've been a messy
situation. At the time, I was trying to get some sleep, but all of a sudden, the car started screeching. I thought we might
have just drove off the road, but that wasn't it. My dad have this bad habbit of tailing other cars. Appearently, he stoped
way to slow when the car infront of him slowed down, so he slammed on the breaks. But remember, the road. So the car started
skidding in circles. My dad said he had no idea which way the car was going, I guess we're just lucky it didnt hit the lane
beside us. Instead, we drove into a ditch by the side..w00t...
All and on after, my mom complained about my dad's bad habbit. It was pretty annoying since I had to listen to her say it
so many times. But she'll learn her lesson too..you'll see.
Anyways, we made it to Tullahoma unharmed. I can't say it changed any, still the way I remembered it. We drove around abit,
even went to see our old house---didn't change either. We stayed at Larissa's house. Our parents are good friends, and they came
to our house on Thanksgiving. The first thing we did was getting on the computer. I totally got Larissa and her little brother
addicted to Priston Tale. They had two computers, I had my dad's laptop, so it all worked out.
We basically played the whole 4 days. There wasn't much else to do anyway.
I don't have much to say about christmas, it was okay. The mp3 player from my dad, but he claims he bought me something else.
I got a Cheat hoodie from Larissa, and I do like it. I was joking about stealing her Trogdor hoodie last time since I liked it, but I guess she took me seriously. Alas, my favorite present have to be the box of Cheese Rolls.
Taped on the box was a piece of paper that read:
"This is not Cheese roll, please open"
I thought it was pretty funny, but I guess you have to see it to really get it. So I opened it and it was Powerpuff girl socks... I would've
totally gone with the Cheese rolls.
Friday was my get together day with friends. I went with Bisby to have a fun-filled day of DDR-ing. Our plan was to the mall at Murfreesboro, but with some unreliable source, we ended up in Hickory Hollow at Nashville. I had doubts about the mall. I didn't think they had an Arcade. Well, they did, and a DDR machine too! Surely that's what we wanted, except the machine was broken! >.<
Yeah..great idea Bisby..it's still all your fault!
So the rest of the time we saddened over the situation and such.
When I got back, I was abit tired. I headed over to Kristen's
to hang out with her and Cassie. We didn't have much in plan, so we did what we always do: goto Haisting's. The best part about Haisting's
is their used CDs. Everyone likes cheap cds.
Not much happened that night. We talked and watched "Murder by Number". It was still fun for the most part, and I wouldn't be able to do it for a long time.
That's about my trip. I didn't get too much done, and I'm abit sorry for not seeing some people. ( Sorry Krysta! ) But hopefully I'll be back soon.
I barely had any sleep all those nights, but I guess it's worth it. We left around 9 this morning heading back to Indiana. But like I said, it wasmy mom's turn to learn a daily Traffic violation. It was in Kentucky, almost at the border to Indiana, that my mom recieved her first speeding ticket. I really don't know what it is about Kentucky and Indiana. Everytime we take a trip to Tullahoma, my dad end up with a ticket in Kentucky.
I'm really starting to hate that place.
you probably haven't noticed, but I'm writting this in the car.( still on my way back) I'm bored. I can't post this now, obviously, but I will when I get home. We're already in Indiana, so I hope that'll be soon. This is a long post I'd say,
took me awhile too...get over it.
Posted by
7:28 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2003
I'm fairly glad it's the holidays. Exams were just so frustrating. I think I did well on most of them. I was also surprised that the Bio test was fairly easy. I crammed as much as I could in study hall. Most of the questions was from our past tests. English was kinda killer though. We had to do a 1,000 word essay+ 500 word+ 10 short questions under 2 hours. We all complained of course, but she didn't care. We never had a test in that class, so its kinda a hit in the head for most people. Somehow I thought she might have changed her mind and only give us one essay question, but little did I know the other essay was on the back of the page---I didn't realize till the bell ran. But Ms. P was nice to give me 30mins on fri to finish it.
I got out at 1:30 on fri. I met up with Genia at the Union to hang out. The longest ever, we stayed till 5. Afterwards, we headed to the theater to watch Lord of the Ring. She bought tickets a long time ago b/c it would be sold out by the time we get there; She's a die-heart fan..unlike me. I have seen the other 2, but never really got into it; maybe if I read the book...
By the time we got there, it was already packed, and we were about 40 mins early, but we did managed to find some good seats. I guess the movie was pretty good. I didn't get bored like the first installment. I won't comment much on it.
First: I don't know what to say really.
Second: I don't want to spoil it.
So thats about that.
Sat: didn't do much. My parents had a party.For me I just grabbed some food and went up to my room. I also had to go ring bells for the Salvation Army; WeSSo project. I was that person everyone just ignored because they don't want to donate to the poors.
I don't have much in plan for the break. I went Christmas shopping today and got some nifty gadgets. It really doesn't feel like Christmas for some reason. But I am going to Tullahoma as far as I know; this Wed. 7 hours in the car....w00t....
Posted by
11:17 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
How to speak Elainglish!
With this at-home kit, you can learn to speak Elainglish in no time at all! Just follow these three simple steps. Step 1: Remove the letter "s" from the end of random words. Step 2: Take the removed letters and place them on the back of new words. Step 3: Repeat.
Now you're all set to speak Elainglish! Confuse your family, confuse your friends, and have a damn fun time pissing off your English teacher!
Posted by
10:42 PM
Almost break..with out the xmas cheers
Well tomorrow Exams start. I've been studying hard for the 5 classes I have, and it's not going too spiffy. I kinda figured already I'm gonna get at least one B in a class. On top of that, I got my PSAT scores back today...not the best, but no one cares..except for my parents. I don't know why I'm doing so bad in Geometry. I know everything and I'm better than most of the people in my class, yet I still have a B-. It's not fair at all..but then no one cares..except for me.
There's not much else to do except studying right now. We did have a band concert tonight, no one was appreciative since it's their "cramming" time. But I dont care, because I have all night to study.
I guess the only good thing about exams here is you only have to goto school at your exam times. So tomorrow, I won't have to goto school till 1:30 for my French finals. Which means: more sleep for me, and study time!
Well I'm off doing more studying...wish me luck on the finals...I guess...
Posted by
10:06 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2003
More about my weekend
Well the weekends finally. Not the best, but I'm ready for a break..
If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty occupied right now on finals. It really sucks to have all the pressures on the students while trying to learn new materials and cram everything before the last week or so. I won't talk about it so much; all I want is a good grade.
So it is weekends afterall, and I have time now to write a little post. Because I'm so cool, you would want to hear about my exciting friday:
I actually had an okay night of sleep. I didn't eat breakfast b/c I had a party in first hour French. French is easy even to me. Mme. Kline doesn't really teach all that much. She gets carried away in her teaching and goes off with her "life stories". She yells a lot and seems to be an "angry little woman", but she's actually pretty nice. We had the party today b/c it's "foregin language week". Though our "foregin cousines" consisted of chips, root beer, brownies, and apple pie, who doesn't want free food? In history we reviewed the chapters that is going to be on the exam. I just realized I should have studied sooner. Oh well...
I studied frantically for 55 mins in study hall hoping to finaly ace a Bio test. Being fairly prepared for class, I found out the test was on Monday, and I got a tardy for going to the bathroom. Damn you Bio.
Band surely took out all the stress. For the first time ever in my life, I sat with boxes of oranges and grapefruit, doing no other than examning them for quality. Fruit sale is pretty common in every band, but do they examine every peice of fruit to make sure they're perfect? We did certainly. I worked diligently, going through at least 20 boxes. I must say I now have the skills to stack oranges neatly back into a box. And as a bonus, I recieved a free molded orange. w00t
In english, my group did our presentation on Huckleberry Finn. Near the end of the class, our principal and a photographer came in and wanted pics for the Newspaper about ISTEPS( the state test thing they give out each yr) So I was talking about the book, and the photographer walked in front of me and clicked away. Yeah, act natural. Oh no, it wasn't awkward at all. He just stood in front of me..for a min. It was kinda funny b/c whenever someone started talking, he would rush there and start taking pic. Sometime he'll walk there and pose..but walk away. Yeah ... we're so pretty<---class motto
Once I got home..I felt free. I can finally do what I wanted; so I did.
I stayed up till 4am ish playing Priston Tale. It's fun selling stuff to others at an exthorbant price. The good ol days...
Anyways. I haven't done too much today, but I am going to take an hour or so studying. It's snowing right now but no so big---it snows too much.
To conclude this post, I found an article on MSN : Sex bracelets. I sort of laughed since I thought it was just a " local fad" ( ie: web blogging), but I guess I'm wrong. Read the Article here.
Oh I have to add this..Our neighbor is playing cards with my parents, and their 3 kids are over. They're 5 ish. Annoying kids..but amusing. They find everything in my study room intresting, and they're playing house:
stuffed toy fish: the mom
Paper airplanes: Starfishes ( the kids)
Mini basketball goal: Stove top ( pretty creative I'd say. The basket is where you put the pots in, kewl eh?)
stuffed frog: um..i think it's suppose to be dead.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
They Killed Black Santa!!
On Dec. 3rd, the black Santa was killed by the Cincinnati Police. You might wonder why one would do such a thing to every kid’s favorite man, Santa Clause. Racism perhaps. Would a White Santa be killed? Let’s analyze the story:
Dec 3rd, a cool night in the metropolis of Ohio. Nathaniel Jones, aka “The Black Santa” was eating out at a local White Castles. Oh but he’s just an ordinary black man. Jones was a jolly 350 pounder dancing his way in the restaurant. ( The perfect Santa material) But the crowd wasn’t so enthusiastic unfortunately. When Jones had some fun rolling off the hill, the clerk raised an eyebrow and called the fire dept.
So comes them.
But they called the police too.
So then the police came; 4 white men and a black man.
Jone put on a happy face “ ho ho ho, whities and rednecks!”
He swings to the police giving them a Santa hug, but the police obviously got the wrong idea.
The 2 white men tackled Jones to the ground and pulled out their nightsticks. They continiously beats the Santa yelling “ Put your hands down son!”
The beating went on for awhile and was recorded onto the police cam. After various beating methods, someone yelled out
“ omg! Help!”
“Wait..he still have a faint pulse!”
Jones was rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately, the Black Santa didn’t make it. Friends and family and people of Cincinnati was outraged and blamed the police force for prejudice act. The police decared it was a homocide b/c of Jone’ss poor health problems.
Although the Black Santa was obese and had cardio probs and was a big time drug addict, we will still all mourn for his life and question the racisim issue.
Your BN reporter, Lain 12/10/03
Side note:Just a little bit of new I thought I would share. I wanted to post this last week but didn’t get a chance too. I guess some of you might have seen the report on the new, but this is my interpretation :) It kinda fits in on what I’m doing in English now, Huckleberry Finn.Pretty good book that’s a satire to rasicim, royalty, society and such. If you like the read a full article( and a more accurate), goto CNN or any of the News sites.
I am not responsible for any wrong interpretation of this post!
Posted by
7:59 PM
Friday, December 05, 2003
It’s finally Friday for a change. This week felt especially long for some not so odd reasons. I’ve been up lately almost all the nights. Result: Tired during school. I was so close to falling asleep in my last hour, Math class. It’s not typical of me that it isn’t. But it doesn’t matter really now, b/c it’s Friday!! :D And another thing, it snowed today. The day it snowed for the 2nd time was and is going alright. We didn’t get out if school. I guess the snow isn’t considered “big”, but it is too me. (It’s still snowing now in fact) I didn’t have time to grab my cam this morning and take an early snow scene. I love the trees with all the snows that look like silver upon branches. I guess that’s one part about this weather I like. It’s so pretty.
Today was also the first time I’m late to school. I’ve been really close to getting a tardy within the last month or so, but this is the first time. Hey it’s not my fault. blame it on dad for running into the bad traffic.
First class is French. Madam doesn’t really care if you’re late. So lucky me. We had a culture experience which is basically a party ,and we eat. I’m looking forward to home. I deserve a chance to finally relax…and do more homework. I’m in the library again. Sitting across from me is the debate class doing some researching I guess. I can’t really figure why they would want to debate out of class on their own spare time. Dating strategy for some?...That would be weird. Maybe I’ll go ask them.
Snow is pretty.
Posted by
10:48 AM
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Back at the Vasilla
It's about time. I've been off and on for a while now, just things to be done. Guess it's been about a
week now... Going back, Thanksgiving was awesome. I had tons of fun. But it wasn't so great after the turkey and the video games and the late night parties. The 4 days off made school seem not so kewl. I mean all the works I'm going back to do: Reading, writing, reports...ack...
But it's the inevitable. So I'm back to school..w00t...
There seems to be more work than ususal. Christmas break is just around the corner. I too have been busy the past few days. Finals are in 2 weeks and I'm worried now. Even the teachers pressure us to study cram study. I'm expecting the worse. I haven't started studying yet since I already have so much homework. Last min. projects and reports---evil.
My biggest concern is Biology. I'm still working to get an A, but Overley's not making things any easier. We have one more chap to go over before Exam, andI'm not get any of it. He expects us, being an honors class, to read over the chap once and understand everything. Not to sayI hate him, b/c Overley
is a pretty nice teacher, but it's just too much for me.
I did have fun yesterday though:How to make cheese:
Every teacher is unique might I say. Some just doesn't show it. I noticed today that Mr. Pugh, my history teacher, is..umm...I'll let you decide: After lecturing about Louis XIV, just near the end of class, he took us on a "field Trip". He lead the class out to a door and pointed at a green car parallel parked between these two cars. The trick was, there was little and even no space between the cars. So he said " Okay, that's Mr.X's( I forgot the name) car. He claim he parked his green car in between the two that was already there. You think that's possible??" So we're all like "mm..nah...no way!" He nodded and lead up on a crusade to Mr. X's room
and started ranting and calling him a liar.
See my point? The story isn't practically good...but I can't think of anything. Did I tell the Halloween story? We were just talking in the beginning of class, and a student(male) asked him if he saw yersterday's news paper. "Well Why?" and so the student replied " Well there was a pic of kids trick or treating at a sorority and I just stared at the 3 college chicks."
Mr. Pugh " ooOO.."
Student " One of them was dressed up as a French Maiden."
Mr Pugh: ~silence..look around and ran out the door~
We thought he was playing but he actually ran off to the library and grabbed the newspaper.
Point #2.
I haven't thought up a good word to describe him, but the time will come.
On other notes..not that much. I'm getting off the topic of school, because I have to read my english book now.(I'm at school currently)
I can't think of anything major to say; I have a boring life.
Posted by
10:33 AM