Hey it's New Years Eve! None cares..
It would've been fine if nothing had happened today, but unfortunately for me, it did.
I would say it all started on Monday. My dad bought me a Laser Printer for no apparent reason. Not that it's bad, my inkJet was awful.
What I find to be weird is that the printer used an USB instead of Printer Port. That I complained about since I only have 2 USB on my VAIO, which both are already in use.
"Let's get that upgrade already!"
My dad's been wanting to upgrade my computer for the longest time. He bough a new case, mother board, cpu and all a long time ago. We did try to add them onto my comp, but something didn't work out( I think the ribbons were too short). So I never really bothered with it for awhile. An upgrade is good..my VAIO is fairly old and a piece of crap. But there's also other factors upon an upgrade:
I'd have to reinstall all my programs. ( have done it twice already..hate it)
I might even have to reinstall an OS ( operating system)
So I just left it alone and used what I can....Until that day we got the printer...
I guess my dad just couldn't contain himself. He took apart my computer that night ( I couldn't really stop him..) and took out most of the parts: CD-ROM, 2 hard drives, floppy, memories, etc.
The case he bought ( apearently from ebay) is way to big. I mean it has 6 CPL and hard drive slots, 4 cd-rom slots, and on top of that...I hate it! I don't need all that space...it's meant for some computer nerds...
I thought at first the whole "taking parts out, putting parts in" would be easy..but, I was so wrong.
I didn't take us long to move all the parts to the new computer. The only problem we encountered was that the floppy ribbon was too short..no biggy. Once we hooked it to the monitor and gave it ago...it didn't work. For some reason neither of my OS(Win98 and 2000) would start; there seems to be a problem with the hard drives. My dad thought it might not recognize which is the Master or Slave ( Yeah..isn't computer weird? Masters and slaves....male and females...Why don't they just name it 1,2 or A,B? I could talk more..but maybe later). Anyways, that took out about the whole day, and we just went around in circles.
Day2, Wed:
I advised giving up and just go back to the original, but my dad...god he never gives up.
Today we tired to reintall an OS. He went and bought WinXP from him work ( It's only $5!) For some reason it required a new partition, but the 2 I have are already in use. In other words, I had to sacrifice one of my hard drive. I was forced to delete everything on my C:/. it was only 7G, but I probably had some stuff I wanted on there. All this to get XP to work...and it didn't. I really just gave up then, but my dad..
He fooled with it more, more than he should have.
dad:" Umm...why is there 80G on here?"
Me: " well that's the D:/..duh.."
"oooh..so that's why..I knew something was weird.."
"What did you do?"
" Well...umm...I think I formatted your D: drive.."
If you kept up with our convo...I'm pretty much screwed. My dad thought the D drive is the C Drive, which meant he formatted the D drive.which..god...
which mean he deleted everything I have on there...which is everything I have.
He claims he didn't..or he can still recover it, but I hightly doubt it. Just think of all the things I had on there..all my files including school stuff, artworks, music/movie files, and all my program files. I still don't know if it's really gone or not..but guess I'll see soon...
Wed., 7:39:
So I'm here on my dad's laptop. At least we still have an operational computer to help alittle. My dad is installing 2000 right now...on my old comp. I just hope it works.
I really do not know how this whole thing will work out. All I'm hopping for is my D: and an working computer.
If you'd like to help solve my computer mystery, drop me a tip/advice whatever.
Oh yeah...Happy New Years...
I can't even do anything without photoshop >.<>
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
New Year calls for a downgrade
Posted by
7:55 PM