It's about time. I've been off and on for a while now, just things to be done. Guess it's been about a
week now... Going back, Thanksgiving was awesome. I had tons of fun. But it wasn't so great after the turkey and the video games and the late night parties. The 4 days off made school seem not so kewl. I mean all the works I'm going back to do: Reading, writing, reports...ack...
But it's the inevitable. So I'm back to school..w00t...
There seems to be more work than ususal. Christmas break is just around the corner. I too have been busy the past few days. Finals are in 2 weeks and I'm worried now. Even the teachers pressure us to study cram study. I'm expecting the worse. I haven't started studying yet since I already have so much homework. Last min. projects and reports---evil.
My biggest concern is Biology. I'm still working to get an A, but Overley's not making things any easier. We have one more chap to go over before Exam, andI'm not get any of it. He expects us, being an honors class, to read over the chap once and understand everything. Not to sayI hate him, b/c Overley
is a pretty nice teacher, but it's just too much for me.
I did have fun yesterday though:How to make cheese:
Every teacher is unique might I say. Some just doesn't show it. I noticed today that Mr. Pugh, my history teacher, is..umm...I'll let you decide: After lecturing about Louis XIV, just near the end of class, he took us on a "field Trip". He lead the class out to a door and pointed at a green car parallel parked between these two cars. The trick was, there was little and even no space between the cars. So he said " Okay, that's Mr.X's( I forgot the name) car. He claim he parked his green car in between the two that was already there. You think that's possible??" So we're all like " way!" He nodded and lead up on a crusade to Mr. X's room
and started ranting and calling him a liar.
See my point? The story isn't practically good...but I can't think of anything. Did I tell the Halloween story? We were just talking in the beginning of class, and a student(male) asked him if he saw yersterday's news paper. "Well Why?" and so the student replied " Well there was a pic of kids trick or treating at a sorority and I just stared at the 3 college chicks."
Mr. Pugh " ooOO.."
Student " One of them was dressed up as a French Maiden."
Mr Pugh: ~silence..look around and ran out the door~
We thought he was playing but he actually ran off to the library and grabbed the newspaper.
Point #2.
I haven't thought up a good word to describe him, but the time will come.
On other notes..not that much. I'm getting off the topic of school, because I have to read my english book now.(I'm at school currently)
I can't think of anything major to say; I have a boring life.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Back at the Vasilla
Posted by
10:33 AM