My week is over. I have to say my stay at Tullahoma wasn't so bad. Although it only lasted
for 4 days, I still had a good time.
The only thing I hate is the road trip. There's nothing fun about being in a car for 7 hours. On top of that, another
3 hours stuck in a traffic jam. The day was Wendsday, the starting date. I stayed up that night hoping to kill the time
by sleeping in the car. That didn't go to well.. I barely got any sleep in the car, but was still tired and such.
It snowed that day. Not much excitment for me; I've seen enough snow already. As we got onto the highway, there was a
huge traffic jam. I didn't know why, but we were stuck there for 3 hours...
But that's not all of course, My dad, being a "talented driver" that he is, pulled out of what could've been a messy
situation. At the time, I was trying to get some sleep, but all of a sudden, the car started screeching. I thought we might
have just drove off the road, but that wasn't it. My dad have this bad habbit of tailing other cars. Appearently, he stoped
way to slow when the car infront of him slowed down, so he slammed on the breaks. But remember, the road. So the car started
skidding in circles. My dad said he had no idea which way the car was going, I guess we're just lucky it didnt hit the lane
beside us. Instead, we drove into a ditch by the side..w00t...
All and on after, my mom complained about my dad's bad habbit. It was pretty annoying since I had to listen to her say it
so many times. But she'll learn her lesson'll see.
Anyways, we made it to Tullahoma unharmed. I can't say it changed any, still the way I remembered it. We drove around abit,
even went to see our old house---didn't change either. We stayed at Larissa's house. Our parents are good friends, and they came
to our house on Thanksgiving. The first thing we did was getting on the computer. I totally got Larissa and her little brother
addicted to Priston Tale. They had two computers, I had my dad's laptop, so it all worked out.
We basically played the whole 4 days. There wasn't much else to do anyway.
I don't have much to say about christmas, it was okay. The mp3 player from my dad, but he claims he bought me something else.
I got a Cheat hoodie from Larissa, and I do like it. I was joking about stealing her Trogdor hoodie last time since I liked it, but I guess she took me seriously. Alas, my favorite present have to be the box of Cheese Rolls.
Taped on the box was a piece of paper that read:
"This is not Cheese roll, please open"
I thought it was pretty funny, but I guess you have to see it to really get it. So I opened it and it was Powerpuff girl socks... I would've
totally gone with the Cheese rolls.
Friday was my get together day with friends. I went with Bisby to have a fun-filled day of DDR-ing. Our plan was to the mall at Murfreesboro, but with some unreliable source, we ended up in Hickory Hollow at Nashville. I had doubts about the mall. I didn't think they had an Arcade. Well, they did, and a DDR machine too! Surely that's what we wanted, except the machine was broken! >.<
Yeah..great idea's still all your fault!
So the rest of the time we saddened over the situation and such.
When I got back, I was abit tired. I headed over to Kristen's
to hang out with her and Cassie. We didn't have much in plan, so we did what we always do: goto Haisting's. The best part about Haisting's
is their used CDs. Everyone likes cheap cds.
Not much happened that night. We talked and watched "Murder by Number". It was still fun for the most part, and I wouldn't be able to do it for a long time.
That's about my trip. I didn't get too much done, and I'm abit sorry for not seeing some people. ( Sorry Krysta! ) But hopefully I'll be back soon.
I barely had any sleep all those nights, but I guess it's worth it. We left around 9 this morning heading back to Indiana. But like I said, it wasmy mom's turn to learn a daily Traffic violation. It was in Kentucky, almost at the border to Indiana, that my mom recieved her first speeding ticket. I really don't know what it is about Kentucky and Indiana. Everytime we take a trip to Tullahoma, my dad end up with a ticket in Kentucky.
I'm really starting to hate that place.
you probably haven't noticed, but I'm writting this in the car.( still on my way back) I'm bored. I can't post this now, obviously, but I will when I get home. We're already in Indiana, so I hope that'll be soon. This is a long post I'd say,
took me awhile too...get over it.
Sunday, December 28, 2003
Weekly Report
Posted by
7:28 PM
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