Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Almost break..with out the xmas cheers

Well tomorrow Exams start. I've been studying hard for the 5 classes I have, and it's not going too spiffy. I kinda figured already I'm gonna get at least one B in a class. On top of that, I got my PSAT scores back today...not the best, but no one cares..except for my parents. I don't know why I'm doing so bad in Geometry. I know everything and I'm better than most of the people in my class, yet I still have a B-. It's not fair at all..but then no one cares..except for me.
There's not much else to do except studying right now. We did have a band concert tonight, no one was appreciative since it's their "cramming" time. But I dont care, because I have all night to study.
I guess the only good thing about exams here is you only have to goto school at your exam times. So tomorrow, I won't have to goto school till 1:30 for my French finals. Which means: more sleep for me, and study time!
Well I'm off doing more studying...wish me luck on the finals...I guess...


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