Well the weekends finally. Not the best, but I'm ready for a break..
If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty occupied right now on finals. It really sucks to have all the pressures on the students while trying to learn new materials and cram everything before the last week or so. I won't talk about it so much; all I want is a good grade.
So it is weekends afterall, and I have time now to write a little post. Because I'm so cool, you would want to hear about my exciting friday:
I actually had an okay night of sleep. I didn't eat breakfast b/c I had a party in first hour French. French is easy even to me. Mme. Kline doesn't really teach all that much. She gets carried away in her teaching and goes off with her "life stories". She yells a lot and seems to be an "angry little woman", but she's actually pretty nice. We had the party today b/c it's "foregin language week". Though our "foregin cousines" consisted of chips, root beer, brownies, and apple pie, who doesn't want free food? In history we reviewed the chapters that is going to be on the exam. I just realized I should have studied sooner. Oh well...
I studied frantically for 55 mins in study hall hoping to finaly ace a Bio test. Being fairly prepared for class, I found out the test was on Monday, and I got a tardy for going to the bathroom. Damn you Bio.
Band surely took out all the stress. For the first time ever in my life, I sat with boxes of oranges and grapefruit, doing no other than examning them for quality. Fruit sale is pretty common in every band, but do they examine every peice of fruit to make sure they're perfect? We did certainly. I worked diligently, going through at least 20 boxes. I must say I now have the skills to stack oranges neatly back into a box. And as a bonus, I recieved a free molded orange. w00t
In english, my group did our presentation on Huckleberry Finn. Near the end of the class, our principal and a photographer came in and wanted pics for the Newspaper about ISTEPS( the state test thing they give out each yr) So I was talking about the book, and the photographer walked in front of me and clicked away. Yeah, act natural. Oh no, it wasn't awkward at all. He just stood in front of me..for a min. It was kinda funny b/c whenever someone started talking, he would rush there and start taking pic. Sometime he'll walk there and pose..but walk away. Yeah ... we're so pretty<---class motto
Once I got home..I felt free. I can finally do what I wanted; so I did.
I stayed up till 4am ish playing Priston Tale. It's fun selling stuff to others at an exthorbant price. The good ol days...
Anyways. I haven't done too much today, but I am going to take an hour or so studying. It's snowing right now but no so big---it snows too much.
To conclude this post, I found an article on MSN : Sex bracelets. I sort of laughed since I thought it was just a " local fad" ( ie: web blogging), but I guess I'm wrong. Read the Article here.
Oh I have to add this..Our neighbor is playing cards with my parents, and their 3 kids are over. They're 5 ish. Annoying kids..but amusing. They find everything in my study room intresting, and they're playing house:
stuffed toy fish: the mom
Paper airplanes: Starfishes ( the kids)
Mini basketball goal: Stove top ( pretty creative I'd say. The basket is where you put the pots in, kewl eh?)
stuffed frog: um..i think it's suppose to be dead.
Saturday, December 13, 2003
More about my weekend
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11:18 PM