It was a feast in the cafeteria. There were no short of desserts, from apple pies to creme brulee, and I had a hard time choosing. I picked up a piece of rasberry topped brownie and set it on my tray---shoot, I already have 2 sides. It would be rather embarassing to put it back, but I didn't want to pay 75 cents for it either. After a moment of deliberation, I unfolded a piece of napkin and wrapped the brownie in it. It was my first time 'stealing' food from the cafeteria, but I couldn't resist the brownie. I considered hiding it in my hoodie pockets, but I don't need to act so cautious now do I? Nonchalantly, I typed in my pin and waited for the cashier/lunch lady to ring up the registered. I smiled, as she was having some trouble, but then she spotted my napkin in my hand. "What do you have there?"
Before I could answer, her hand was already on it; a piece of the brownie broke off and fell onto the floor. Uh oh.
She looked disappointed. Somehow I expected this to happen? Me, a good student like me?
"umm..." I stuttered as she sighed, "I'll buy it..."
"No," she replied, "you can't buy extra sides..."
What is she talking about? Of course you can, it cost 75 cents. I was puzzled by her response. Another lunch lady from behind answered " can." But that upseted the cashier even more. "No you can't alright!" She yelled out with frustration. I was caught in the middle of an awkward situation I never wanted to take part in; let it end now....
What time is it..? I thought to myself...Uh oh.
I woke up.
It was 7:45.I had a feeling I overslept again, but today I actually remembered hearing the alarm , as opposed to other days when I don't even recall it going off. I sat up in my bed and though, wow...I really don't feel like going to 1st hour today... But I debated; If I hurry, I'll only be somewhat late and don't have to worry about my dad complaining or have to deal with the red slip. But, because French is a really worthless class, it's legit to skip it. I've been good, I've only skipped French one time this year, so why not again?
I wanted to leave the house before my dad woke up, but that didn't happen. He sort of just laughed when he saw I was still in the house.
I left the house around 8:20, since dad thought I was just going to be 'tardy'.(ha, yeah right...) I drove around campus abit before parking on meridian. 8:40. Walk, enter, sit,study,2nd hour.
Just another monday.
Monday, November 28, 2005
First time for everything
Posted by
5:58 PM
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Mood: Lazy
What's on: "24 ji"- Ajikan
So I finally checked my SAT scores today. I've been sort of avoiding this for various reasons over the past week or so. You know how when you think you did good, you end up failing? And when you think you did crap, you end up with something decent? Well, I think that's always been the case with my test scores, not only SAT, but also in classes. I'm not really sure how I felt when I came out of testing at the beginning of November. Everyone said it was easy, but I can't understand my judgments anymore. So, I contemplated about how I should think about my results: Maybe I should think negative, and that somehow will raise my test score--- but then that might pull another reverse psychology on me. Or I can just think positive, but then that might end up disappointing me even more.
It's complicated, the thoughts I had, I don't think I understand myself. To play things safe, I assumed I failed again (since that's been the case for the past tests). I wasn't too enthusiastic about checking my test scores because I didn't really want to know, more so, I was scared. I might as well forget about it over break and spare the emoness.
So what did I get? That's undisclosed info of course. ~.~ I got 10 pts lower than last time, but I'm actually semi-ly okay with my scores except for the math section. Somehow I really failed that one and dropped 100 points. It's kind of funny actually. I remember talking to John about SAT scores and how he did worse too. He didn't disclose his scores either, but claimed if he scored below 700 in math, that would've been very sad. That's what I thought too at that time... Jinx.
I'm pretty apathetic about it anyways. I figured it's not something I want to get depressed over since there're so many better things I can do so with. :shrug: I'm just happy SATs are over with, but college apps. are another story...
It's been another lazy Sunday with rain. I've been feeling tired all day as usual, procrastinated on homework, and napped a lot. I'm also really sore from dodgeball practice yesterday, partly because I haven't been exercising very much lately.
Posted by
10:37 PM
Friday, November 25, 2005
Black Friday.
Mood: Not tired
What's on: The cure-love song
It's been a long day. It's been a long weekend. Where to begin? I woke up at 10 Thursday morning to prepare the food. I've been making Thanksgiving dinner for quite some years, but it's getting tedious. Fortunately, I only had to make the turkey and stuffing this year since we're serving around 40 people, and no way was I cooking dinner for 40 people. I dropped by Clif's house around 3 and stole some food. It was typical Thanksgiving dinner: Turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes with gravy, pumpkin, salad, beans, etc. (No love for stuffing though) Ironically, he just downloaded Harry Potter the day before. The quality was surprisingly good for a theater rip. (Now I really want my $8.75 back). I went home around 6 and carved the turkey. The rest of the night was just..blah. I stayed in my study but random kids keeps running in and out, screaming, laughing, and all those other annoying things kids do. I didn't even want to bother, so I just put up with them for about 5 hours.
I decided to stay up till 5 after some careful thinking and planning. I had everything mapped out: Stores,items,prices, times, etc. My first destination was Circuit City...the line scared me. I met up with some friends who were already in line and waited. The door opened at 5, and the frenzy began.
People rushing, grabbing, hogging, was a war zone in there. Alhough I thought I had everything mapped out, I forgot an important factor: check-out lines. Getting cheap stuff is not as easy as grab, go, and be happy. I planned to be at staples at 6, which is when the door opens, but I wasn't going to make it in time. So, I called up Alex and asked him to reserve a scanner for me, since he was already there.
I got out around 6:10 and headed for staples. The first person I saw when I entered was Alex; he didn't look too happy. "I can't find the scanner." Incredulous, I went to look for it to find them sold out. I also find out that the usb hub was sold out: How nice, the only 2 things I really needed was sold out. Mistake #2: I forgot to factor in the fact that there is a supply-demand trend. I was pretty depressed at that point. I have lost. I didn't want to continue my shopping epic, but I did.
I headed home around 10 when I finished at the mall. Looking back at the day's result, I have failed. I saved $5 at Circuit City because the cashier scanned the wrong item, but I lost $5 at Office max because I bough the wrong thing. (Instead of 60 photo paper for $1.99, I bough the 20 paper package for $4.99)
In my defense, this is the first time I really bargain shopped by myself. Hopefully I can learn from my mistakes and redeem myself after christmas. Word.
Posted by
6:14 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Mood: curious
What's on:Beck-Missing
I woke up at the usual 7:25 and rolled around in bed for awhile. After I got up and got ready, I debated on whether to wear more layers or not; I choose no... until I got to the stairs. I looked out the window and there it was, snow..lots of snow. I whined and ran back to my room for a coat. I was running later then usual at that point, and on top of the snow, it's not a good sign that I'll make it school on time.
8:01. I arrive at the school. Usually, there's no way in hell there would be any parking spots left, but, somehow, I had a feeling there was one, just one beckoning for my beautiful honda civics. I drove in and around... nothing. I was almost at the exit, and I felt crushed. Just as I was thinking about walking up the hill in the cold snow, there it was. I smiled and laughed at all the other cars that drove by; what can I say, my intuition wins. (I wasn't as lucky when I got back late for lunch, but that's beside the point of the story)
The rest of the day went pretty well. There was a percussion/symphony convo, but I didn't think it was as good as it could have been. At night, I went to see Harry Potter with Connie. It wasn't bad, but probably not worth $8.75. After the movie (9:20 ish) We drove to the Union to find it deserted: not a surprise. After some talk, we headed home.
So that's about the adventure for the day. I'm dreading tomorrow for various reasons, but,let's see how it really turns out.
Posted by
11:54 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Almost time
Mood: Content
What's on: Jane's Addiction- up the beach
I feel a lot lighter now that the econ paper is out of the way, but I probably should start worrying about college apps and finals. The week's been going well so far, just tiring as usual. (I was close to passing out in calc both days, not sure why =\ It's not as boring as French) I just realized how tomorrow is the last day for this week; how kewl is that. But I'm not too much looking forward to Thursday, considering my parents are slaving me to cook. I've cooked for the past few years, and it wasn't so bad. The turkey, the stuffing, the gravy, the mashed potatoe, the cornbread, the roll... piece of cake. But I really don't feel like cooking for 30 guests when I'm not even really eating dinner at home. I'll manage somehow; the big bird scares me.
So apparently Lisa didn't back out, and our dodgeball team "Instant Ramen" is in. I'm semi-worried about our member variety; no, I'm pretty worried. I don't know how things will work out, but my goal is not to get eliminated in the first round. We can't be that bad can we...?
Posted by
7:13 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
econ paper= teh suck
Mood: Frustrated
What's on: Nothing
Waking up today wasn't as bad as last night even though I went to bed at 3 both nights. It was noon when I got up today, and I was reading a friend's old blog that I decided to look up. I had mixed feelings while I was reading about his personal life, and how everything can change in a short time frame. I felt happiness, anger, apathy, and sadness among others.
Friendship is pretty superficial. Does people really do the things they claim they would do for their friends? Friendship come and goes; There're plenty of people out there, why stick with one?
I guess I am an attention whore at times. But who wouldn't want the spotlight? What makes me so special that people would long and beg for my presence and weep and somber when it's not present? Isn't it a good thing that people move on and do whatever?
I should, but the guilt still has me. I can't simply forget and pretend it never happened.
That probably was confusing, but I can't be anymore coherent at this point.
In other news, I succeeded in my butterbraids delivery mission this afternoon. Unfortunately, I do not get awarded for completion. At 12:35 I left my house with a box of butterbraids.
Target: Ufarms and school. Time limit: 25 mins.
I wasn't too successful on friday night's round in Ufarms. 1 was delivered in the timeframe of 30 mins. reasons:
1) It was night
2) I hate driving around Ufarms
3) Everyone decided they would not be home at 6.
A lot of pressure was riding on this mission. I had a short time frame, there were chances involved, and I was out of gas...completely. I took the risk to assume everyone would be home today; fortunately, they all were. There were some minor delays at Mr. Mira's house, when he decided to answer the door 2 mins after I rang it, and at Melissa's house, when she decided she needed to take pictures of me for undisclosed reasons. But I made it out with 10 mins to spare.
Unfortunately, I arrived at school at 1:01. I blame it on the truck that went 30mph in front of me. (Why do they always ruin my fun?) But oh well, I'll pretend I got to school "on time".
Today kind of sucked. I'm stuck home finishing my Econ paper while my parents drove off to Indy to watch the Pacer/Rocket game. It's not like I wanted to go, but I wanted to get out.
Here's to a long night. How I miss thee.
Posted by
11:00 PM
What's on:Sick Sad Little World-Incubus
Well, the fall play is finally over, except for tomorrow's strike day: Four hours of fun mission:set-destruction. Overall, things went smooth. I do admit I screwed up at least twice, but it wasn't anything detrimental. From what I heard, everyone seemed to enjoyed it, more then last year's at least. (The crowd was better too fortunately) I'm going to rant about Hier Studt again, because he decided he wanted to run the show during the performances. It's nice that he advised the set construction and directed, but in all, the students should be the ones running the show. ie: Studt need to watch the damn performance instead of being in the booth. I understand he's probably nervous since it's his first production, but whatever happens happens. Honestly, I felt I was perfectly capable of being in charge of the sound by myself. Hell, I could've managed the booth alone. (Brendan and Calvin were both pretty useless anyways)Whatever, maybe I'll have another chance at the spring play, but I have no idea how that will work out this year.
The cast parties wasn't too bad either. They were less "wild" than last year's, which is a good thing. Compared to the cast/crew from last year, I prefer this years' for various reasons. Tonight's party was at Jessas, and we basically talked. We told stories, played 10 fingers, and "Talk, throw, or do"(I don't even know if there's an actual name to the game). During my turn of TTD, I was giving the choice John Ng, Mr. Klumpe, and Mohitt. I won't disclose my answer, but it wasn't that hard to chose. (Eh, if you don't know how the game doesn't matter anyways.) But meh, the choices kind of sucks; I have my own list in my mind.X3 Studt involuntarily joined into the game later on. Since giving names of students and teacher wouldn't haven been very appropriate, we gave him celebs: Angelina Jolie, Katherine Zeeta Jones, and Merill Stref(play joke). He didn't explicitly categorize, since it's somewhat inappropriate for him as a teacher.Though he did say there are teachers he wouldn't mind throwing off of cliffs or do; I guess that says a lot.
I haven't been very productive this weekend mainly because of the play and blog. I still need to finish my Econ paper that I barely started today, get rid of the butterbraids, and shop for thanksgiving.
Ugh...I hate Sundays.
Interesting first: I got to school without getting any red lights for the first time. Actually, I've always wondered when that day would come, and alas, it's here. But I'm disappointed that I didn't get to school in under 5 mins. I got stuck behind a truck going 30 after the Sagamore traffic light. It's a bummer I tell you.
Posted by
1:39 AM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
La Vie en Rose
Mood: :shrug:
What's on: 311-I'll be here awhile
I'm doing pretty well with this blogging dealy. I ended up only studying for the calc last and semi-worked on my English paper last night. (Somehow it seems like history will repeat itself today, except my paper is due tomorrow...)
I woke up at 7:11 this morning. That would usually be early, but today I was terribly late. As usual, I drifted back to sleep after cutting off the alarm, and wake up realizing how late it is. I made it to school "on time": 7:35---Calc test. It was pretty easy, but I made a very stupid mistake(as usual). After the 30 mins. test, I ran down to the French room. We didn't actually leave until 8:30, which defeated the purpose of us needing to be there at 8. On the bus to Chicago, I tried to sleep but couldn't; The seats were very uncomfortable. I had to change positions about every 15 mins to keep my body from aching or numbing.
The carbaret wasn't actually too bad until the end, when the singer started babbling. She( Claudia Hommel) had a very nice voice, and I enjoyed her singing. I was really surprised to hear Les Feuilles Mortes, which has been covered by Shiina Ringo in a 6 min mix. (and I really thought she composed the song herself...) Midway through the performance, she sang Milord ,and hitted on every guy in the room, including Monsieur: It's rather entertaining.
The highlight of the bus ride was probably the things we saw as we drove by: A couch falling off of a pickup on the highway, a school bus with "Latino Express" written on it, and a white house with a sign that read"Negro Lounge".
We got back to the school at 4:30. I stopped by home quickly to grab things and headed for theater. One more thing was added today to my list of things I dislike about this year's management: the Tshirt. How ugly they are. I can careless about the color, but the design...We look like walking flyers, and I'm pretty sure that's what Studt wanted.
I made some more progress today on project "BN revival". I finished rehosting all my pics on to Photobucket, since Angelfire is pretty worthless. As I read through some of my old blog entries, I realize Blogger has come a long way since my first post. How tedious it was to format every post with manually typed html(but the current blogger auto format is pretty annoying); how hard it was to edit the CSS; and how the comment system never existed.
Well I'm going to take this time and thank everyone who's still visiting my blog. It's appreciative and good for my counter :) I know my blog wouldn't last forever or even 5 years. (Blogger most likely will go bankrupt or make it a paying service...or I'll just quit) But the audience is everything right? Everyone gets their spot light now, and maybe even later. So thanks, whoever you are, just be glad you never visited Indianapolis' boonies.
(oct 25,03)
I'm almost half way there actually. Though it is true BN was created during the height of the blog fad, I felt there has been a lot emotions and memories etched into my past entries even though I claimed BN was for my "audience". (That's all going to change from now on ^_^ )
I don't know how things will be for the next 2 years, but hopefully I can look back 5 years from now and remember.
Good times, great oldies.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
BN reconstruction
Mood: Tired
What's on: Weezer-Hash Pipe
My impulsiveness has got me again.
After the daily routine of my afternoon internet session, I decided it was time for me to edit the template. Why today? Just because I have theater arts rehearsal at night, field trip tomorrow, calc test in the morning, and an english paper due.
But you know, I can't really control it. It happens, so let it happen.
I did some minor tweaking when I got home around 10:20... now it's 11:42.
Oh well, at least I'm happy with the new layout, even though there's still a lot to be done. (I'm still pretty disappointed by the Haloscan comment. I checked Art's old blog and all the comments were still there =\ ) I linked some of my old banners. Apparently, Photobucket is pretty sneaky by auto generating alt tags to each image. "Image Hosted by Photobucket."
This post was made to express my thoughts at the moment(the subtle satisfaction) ,and me trying to post more often.
I should start homework now before I pass out.
Posted by
11:37 PM
: )
Hello Bazzooka.
It's been about 19 month since my last post. (The best record yet)
I really don't know what caused me to stop. Perhaps it was the dying blogging fad or my new busy lifestyle. Nonetheless, I've thought about 'reviving' Bazzooka for the longest time, but it never worked out due to some long term issues I'm having with Blogger.
But, for tonight, I felt it was time.
I planned to revamp the css before posting, but I feel that might take a long time or never happen. There're a lot going on in my life right now, and a lot have gone by, with feelings I've bottled up. I've never talked much about my personal life in-depth on Bazzooka, and I know exactly why.
I don't plan on spreading the word about my blog revival; I want to keep it as it is for now.
When I skimmed through some of my old posts, it made me smile; sometimes sincere and other times cynical. It reminds me of my carefree and perhaps naive self 2 years ago. Where everything was happy-go-luck. It's unfortunate my comments has been erased from Haloscan. Those were the best parts to say the least.
Posted by
12:11 AM