hello. It seems like all the hard work has been done, but I was wrong. Lately I haven't been in a mood to post, mainly because my last big post was erased accidentally ( stupid IE). So now I'm here, Monday noon.
School ended fairly well. I did better than expected on most of my exams. Friday was just okay. It would've been better if it wasn't for the 4 hr band practice at noon. The game went well; we won as I have expected. Actually, we didn't win--they lost. Hey it's Warren County, and they suck. So the 40-0 is really no big deal.
Time fly by fast. I got up Saturday morning at 7 and prepared for the marching contest at Columbia. It was a long day let's just say; I really don't feel like touching the details. We didn't win...McGavock did. Stupid McGavock parents only cheers for their school. That kinda figures why the entire time they performed people were all cheering. No matter, we did great.
When we got back that night/morning at 2 AM, I said bye to most people;though I did miss some people that I wanted to bid my farewell ( sorry). Come to think of it, I didn't feel sad at all ( maybe a little), during the course of that day. I don't know why, guess it hasn't hit me that I'll be 7 hours away from here...
On to other subjects. I haven't made too much changes for the site. I added a better looking header (as you can see). My plan is to improve the layout---HTML. While I was searching for some pics, I found out there is a German band named "Bazzooka". Pretty nifty. I thought I would post their logo on my site:
Well here I am now, with a day that hasn't been too fun. I've been cleaning my room all day and packing. Pro: I found a lot of junk I lost. This is the worst thing about moving; maybe the 2nd. I don't have much to talk about, gotta go clean again. Later
Monday, September 29, 2003
Another Monday
Posted by
1:59 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Cheeesy bread
Just felt like saying that, it's so much fun. Today was kind of on the sucky side, It's like jumping from the east side of the street to west side of the street.( yeah..I dont really get that metaphor either..)Maybe b/c it's almost my last 2 days. Anyways, Top of the morning to History. We had a sub while taking our unit test a day before the big exam. Thank you Mrs. Rider. The test, as I expected, was hard. Not fangoriously hard, just plain not easy. Even though we got to use our notes, ( thank you Mrs. R#1) I felt like I did horrible. I fear my grade in there is also horrible, just horrible.
But cheesy sticks lightened up the mood. We had a Domino feast in math today. We got to order foods by our groups. My group, consist of Taylor--"I'll kill you all!";Lauren--"Lets all poke Elaine and maybe she'll talk.";and Nick--"Time to Leave!" ordered a pizza, drink, dots, and CHEESY BREAD! Jordan "Tiger" Marble butted into our group which really pissed Nick off, but not as much as we all hate Aaron Johnson's annoying laugh.( We all wish to stab him to death...) All and all it was good.
English is boring, I'm really surprised we did so little work compare to last year in Blocker's class. I'm not too worried about the exam for I have a 97 average currently. w00t. We had another movie time; Mrs. Roberts sat behind our little area..Probably spying on us.Thank you Mrs. R#2.
Band kinda sucked. I got slammed in the face by the bathroom door. Long story short: While I was changing at my usual spot behind a bathroom stall's door, some freshman slammed it open and crammed it in my face. Gezz..now I'm beginning to see why underclassmen sucks..at least some of them. Anyway, Rachel made us stand out in the field while facing the sun during practice; my eyes really hurt.
I came home today and worked on History exam review all afternoon, almost proud of myself for studying. I don't know if my exam grades are going to count since I'm moving..in a week. Yup...horray for Indiana... It's sort of weird b/c I don't have any feelings. I feel like I'm going through my days like 1 year ago. I really dont feel that sad..yet. But save the tears for later, now I gotta go. Later.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Nacho Day
Today was my last Nacho day for a fact. w00t...Though I can start naming a lot of "my-last-days", but I'll save that for another time. Today, today was alright. I'm really getting to not hate history for some reason ( probably because there's only 2 more days left!) I can finally see Mrs. Rider hates us...along with Mrs. Roberts. ( It's the Rs I tell you...R=Revil) Mrs. Roberts, our English teacher, acts all nice and quiet everyday, but it's those kind of actions that implies she's planning something...bombing the class with a bazooka...
On lighter notes, band went swell. The guard mocked the band while they all stood in the shade practicing. Good time.
Now, concerning everyone's questions:
No you do not win anything for guessing a pic of yourself. I mean hello, everyone know that's you so it's pretty much a gimme. Try gain. And yes, I'm so kewl.
Yes you did get it right, but mostly b/c you've seen it. And I'm sure you wouldn't want me to post 'your pic' on my blog do you? I thought so. :)
I'd like fries ,if you pay for it. Or better yet, gimmie back my dollar.
but even a better thought, why don't you change your blog to " Fat wannabe midget on steroid" description: " I'm so hot..I just walked out of the closet ...sw00t!"
Well I hope that clears up any discrepency. I have been working on some new banners and things. I got this great idea of using McDonold's golden arch and put a line under it ( so it's a 'B') then add 'z'. So if you rotate it 90degrees, it'll look like " Bn". kewl I know. you'll seen when ever I finish it. Untill then, peace out.
(there's not a pic of the day today...)
Posted by
4:32 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2003
So much things happened this weekend. to start off, Friday. The pep-Rally wasn't all that necessary---not that it helped, we lost the game anyways, but it was a good excuse to shorten band practice. After band we were suppose to have a "picnic" with Overton band, but they didn't show up. Cassie, Kristen, and I hung out with each of our sisters. Andrea, Jessica--both in guard; and Krysta the field commander; respectively. It's all abit confusing, but you know how sisterhoods are so popular these days. We had so many laughs it was great. Krysta invited us To spend the night at her house; a good sophomore/senior bonding(no..not flute bondage), and we did. Even though we lost at the last 3 mins of the game, I had a great time cheering and yelling and singing (which Martin didn't really appreciate).
Anyway, we all gathered at Krysta's about 11:00PM; her house, like everyone would agree, is spontaneously huge. It's also extravegonly decorated inside, like an estate right out of a movie. We sat around for abit talking and eating cookies.(have you noticed how cookies are like pies?) Later we moved up stairs to one of her many rooms and watched "2 weeks notice". Most of them fell asleep, ( I could tell from the snoring) but I stayed awake to finish the movie. It was about 3:00 almost. After a amusing incident with the TV, we, all of us, finally went to sleep.
I woke up the next morning with Cassie ticking my feet. The last thing I remember about my dream was stabbing someone with a spear. We gathered our stuff and headed to wal-mart. There we just bough some snacks for the long trip to come. I finally got home around 9:15AM and made some final adjustments for the band trip.
Ahh, the band trip. We took a long bus ride to Hendersonville HS where the contest was held. Not all that exciting since I was still abit tired. The day felt long to prepare for our show. I had a pretty good feeling that we'll do good; and we did...Or so I thought.
After our performance we watched the tape. Everything looked great, the band, the guard, the props; the crowd was cheering the whole time. We had to wait about 1 hour before the trophies were presented. We lost to seagull. We were the only 2 bands in our division, but we won 2nd best overall band. At the time I just shrugged, it didn't feel so bad to lose this year than the last, maybe because I didn't try my best this year. All this all, we were still all happy. We packed our stuff and headed home for another 2 hour ride; just talked abunch..Pretty interesting stuff.
So now I'm here, all bruised and cramped.There's so much to do and I've wasted a lot of time writing this post. Oh well. The "pic of the day" from Thursday is a guitar. Cassie and Zach got it right. Since Zach wants to claim all the fame for getting two right, I'm here today to proudly post Zach's picture on my humble webblog. And here it is everyone, your favorite Zach in town...
There you have it folks,
Zooatic Anarchy Commander
Habakkuk And rich Yahoo.
Moral to the story: "You bib you lose."
Posted by
12:47 PM
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Is there a full moon tonight?
Well hello there. Today was such a nice day with light breeze and sunshine..And moon. My day the usual everyday routine: woke up at 8:00, ate breakfast, be a good girl and goto school, sleep through History class, and then, math.
9:50AM: Class started usual, we actually had math in nature for the first time. We calculated height of large objects by using similar triangles. All went well for the most part.
10:50AM-ish: We worked quietly as usual when sudently, the window started to shake as a car approaches with it hideously loud bass.(Geez I mean what is up with those people? It's like get a better stereo). It's not new since it had happened before, but that wasn't it. As the whole class turned heads to see the red sport car pass by, we didn't expect to see something occupying the window; we were mooned..By a fat kid. It was obviously disturbing for the whole class. Mrs. Carter our math teacher just kinda laughed.
3 minutes later: Being a stupid fat kid he was, the car passed by for the second time. Of course being smart honor students we are, we jotted down his license plate number. Hehe...And so on we continued solveing this real-world word problem. Mrs. Carter called into the office to find out who the student was; We waited eagerly for the answer. Along a guest also appeared--Coah Hargrove.
Hargrove: So did you get to see who it was?
Mrs. Carter: *laugh* not from my point of advantage.
Hargrove: Why don't you just turn these kids over and pick out the right one.
Class: *garbling laugh*
Come to think of it this could be turned into a great play based on a true story with a happy ending.We finally got the answer. The kid was from Franklin County, apparently already graduated. Lucky for him I suppose. But even luckier, Mrs. Carter goes to his church. Sunday's have never been so fun.
Anyway, here's the pic of the day I said I was going to post.(and no, it's NOT invisible...) I hope it's not that hard:
Last words of wisdom:
So is there a full moon tonight? The world may never know...
Posted by
7:02 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Another quick post
I'm in a hurry..as usual. Today was decent for most parts. History started the day as the boring class. Yesterday was actually good because we "interacted". We tested out the mideval feudal system; I was the lord. Onward with math; we had a substitute( w00t!). Mrs. Crabbry, and I'm serious she has problems. We got into our group ( Taylor,Nick,Lauren, and I) and it's chaotic as usual...in a good way ish. The worksheets and notes just adds more to it. I really dislike geometry, and english is about the same. Boring play, boring movie, almost give ancient Greek a bad name."The Golden Ages",psshh...
Mrs. Colman gave us a 'talk' again yesterday, meh, I've heard worse. I do agree with her on the account that our guard line isn't doing the greatest, mainly of all the slackers. Band for that matter dosn't seem to be better than last years. I won't ramble on about that since I don't want to start a political band war.
Anyways...Now all that's out of the way, I guess I'm doing okay with the 'Pic-of-the-day'(other than the more 'imaginative' answer I've recieved' *clears throat* and yes, It's two bannanas guessed by Dan. The prize: having your name mentioned on my site...done! I'll post one tomorrow and leave it on for the weekend.
Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to post or Email me. I want to hear your ideas. My site sucks? Needs improvments? I'm so kewl? Stuff like that. I'm on the verge of adding Midis to the site..Just because. Well have fun and later.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Monday, September 15, 2003
More Work..ish
Things are finally slowing down with this blog. I've ended my scrutinizing days of working on the template ( HTML=evil), and now I'm starting on better things. As you see below, it's a footer I made last night ( kinda suprising since it didn't take me that long). It started as a flash project on FlashMX, but things didn't work out well. I might work on it more later and get the balls to move around and such. I finished the rendering with PhotoShop if anyone's curious.
Anyway, I'm starting something new, like a pic of the day. I kinda figured this webblog isn't really my "onlinee journal" since it's not called "Elaine's kewl online jornal", instead it got a name "Bazzooka". So I'm gonna make this a fun site. I grabed my digital camera today and just had the idea of taking pictures; I thought I'll be cool to put it on my site. So for the first time, pic of the day people:
Well take a guess and post it on the comment, I'll give out the answer tomorrow or so. Fun? Pretty easy I think. well that's all for now, later.
Posted by
9:13 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2003
I'm really starting to hate Blogger. The more I look into it and other webhosting sites such as Geocitie and Tripod, the more I ask myself and others using Blogger " why the hell do you use this crap?" Here are my reasons:
So there you have it folks.
As of now I'm keeping my blog on Blogger..for now. Through my day dedicated to browsing for a better webhosting, I found Angelfire to be fairly good. It let me use FTP for free unlike other sites. I'm planning now to switch all my files onto that server. Also on Angelfire I found their Blogging tool which is so much better. It's easy to use and requires little HTML knowledge. I'm planning on switching soon.
But as for now...
My weekend has been a long. The game on fri was decent, even though we lost.Kristen Cassie and I got a ride with Cody to subway; Our "sis"(except for Kristen's) were also there---what a luck. I had fun in the stands screaming my lung out.Only one thing, I felt bad for Kristen as it wasn't her day--many bad eye incendents. I for one, accidentally elbowed her in the eye and it was all red after. People came up to her and was like "Omg Kristen, what happened to your eye??" Gezz...that sure makes me feel better...
On other accounts, Sat. was good. I got tons of vg hours in so I'm happy with that. As for today, I've been "working" to improve my site and get storage space. I guess it paid off okay.
I fixed my footer ( thanks to Zach) I just didn't know the file tag .Here it is again in a smaller version:
Posted by
2:25 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Intresting Blog
Another day gone by and nothing. Everyday seems to be the same for me..I come home sweating and starving from band practice, I go take a show, I sit down on the couch and watch TV while snacking on whatever food I can find. When my dad gets home, we eat dinner; I'm the first to leave the table. After, I seclude myself in my room, grab my cd player and start on homework. Usually I take break(naps) while doing math, then slip into the computer room (now) and do my everyday internet routine;that's a story of its own. I stay on till about 10 and slips back into my room. There I finish up hw and get things ready for the next day. I pull up the covers and listen to my cd till I fall asleep.
Now, onto more amusing subjects.
School is another same routine as usual, so I won't touch on that too much. Band was actually one of those good thursdays believe it or not; for me at least.
I noticed how alot of people have a blog now. My friend, my friend's friends, and their friends. Some of them are good, some very good, and some..so-so. This goes back to my point of how people (including me) needs to learn html even though it's not the best comp. language out there.
All and all, I don't want to bored you, tomorrow's out Coffee Pot game, I'm looking forward to it alittle since I might get to see some people I know from C.County. Too bad we're mostly gonna lose. Oh well, it's not like I'll be here for the play-offs anyway. Now I must continue my daily routine, Adios.
okay one last thing, I'm going to show you my first Bazzooka footer..and yes..It does needs alot of work..
My bazzooka Footer
Final thought: Why is it so big? and the eyes kinda creeps me out...
Posted by
9:08 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
60 sec Post
YUP Im making this short b/c i really need to go do hw. Sad. Not much today, all the classes are fine.and I can't think of anything to write...oh yeah, I added the Comment thingy to my posts yesterday, so start posting ppl. I need DR to work...>.<
This dude stuck a noodle up his noise in luch today..and it came out the other nostrile. just a though
Posted by
9:07 PM
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
MathSucks(b/c Im doing hw right now)
Just the load of geometry homework. Girr I really hate doing these proof mostly b/c I don't know how to do em!Math class isn't that bad, Taylor and Nick keeps the group entertained. We were talking about this episode of south park near the end of class and how it was making fun of the mobs.
" It's Time To Leave"
heh..meh..yeah..anways, all the other classes were pretty boring. We read the play from yesterday in English; I'm suprised I didn't fall asleep. Band was so-so, got pretty tired at the end.feel sorry for the band :P Not much plans for today, maybe just burn some CDs. ( Alice in Chain and Metallica) I really should start doing something kewl to feature on the site..can't think of any though...mmm...maybe some kinda review...?
boring videos...urge to kill...
boring notes and homework( the hw deserves one "poo" by itself)
same as history with the stupid video and play
comparing to other band days
Now wasn't that great? I should come up with new stuff more often ^.^ As you can see "poo" isn't kewl, but "Poo" is:
(for all you people with no idea, Poo's from the wonderful world of Ness "earthbound" Game's
pretty kewl..with Poo!)
well that was a pretty good dose for today kiddies, this post might look pretty simple with the kewl pics and stuff, but it look me awhile to get it done b/c all I could use is HTML..-.-...btw, I quit on Math hw, even though I'd be finished by the time I finished writing this post( just to show you it look me a while to do the HTML crap),but it turned out nice, so hey. I'm gonna add more things to the template . As for now cya soon
Posted by
6:54 PM
Monday, September 08, 2003
Nothing Here
Yo. Looks like another day have passed..nothing big. Today was a normal monday, pretty okay. We had a test in history, actually nice since it takes up the boring class period of Mrs. Rider's lectures and questions no one seems to answer. Learned more geometry stuff in math; Nick didn't bother me too much. English had to be the worst, we started out with reviewing our group essay which sucks in my opinion, pretty much b/c our group sucks. We spend the next one hour watching this old school video over a greek play named "Opideus the King'' or whatever...So as for me, I look alittle snooze. I have to say it's the first time I really slept through a class, even though I wasn't technically "sleeping". Just shut my eyes and listened to there boring convos, but I did doze out for abit...just a very short period. Well, with my luck and everyone else who fell "asleep", Mrs. Robberts decided to take up the notes we "wrote" and take it for a grade..hmm..lucky me. My day ended with band, kinda long but not too bad since I was in the shade most of the times. Mrs. Colman gave us a "speech" about how we needed to work harder( At least it's more encouraging than her last one).
Anyway, so I got home and watched TV and did my homework and all that good stuff, and now I'm here. This post is longer than I intended but oh well. Hmmm...there's nothing much I can think of to say, so I guess I'll just leave ya with a quote:
" Radio Killed the Video Man"
heh..I'll do better next time..I hope. Peace out
Posted by
8:57 PM
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Sunday Sucks
Yup. Another day gone by and I've done nothing. I woke up pretty early around 11, didn't feel like getting out of my room since my rent would make me do chores and homework. I pulled out my "Nirvana" cd and started listening to it.Out of boredom, I also pulled out my guitar to figure out some of the riffs to the songs. Went well I guess, I figured "come as you are" and it's been linguring in my head. But that's just my morning...
I ate some bread and sat in the living room with my parents watching HGTV. Only when they left to do chores and such did I get the chance to play abit of "Arc the Lad." I really should finish that game since I borrowed it from Alan. Rest of the day just went by pretty slow. I worked on some homework and floated into the computer room. Since DR is still offline, I took some time to perfect this blog.Lets see:
That's about all. It actually took a while, but I still have tons of things to work on:
I really don't want to go back to school...History test, English essay, Guard practice till I die...Sigh....Poo
Till then enjoy my new pics I added to the site, hope you like my logo( need a name still..Bazz?) I'll leave you with my kewl pixel person of me
---Lain Im so kewl ^.^
Posted by
7:30 PM
Saturday, September 06, 2003
That it is.Nothing big though. Friday was another long day, our game was a sad loss...as usual.The show went well, and we didn't have to do the 4th song :) Their crowd was a real ass though. Quote:" You suck!'' Damn hicks...Anyway, the bus ride was short. We played drug dealer the entire time even in the dark; intresting I'd say. Abit tired from all the yelling and jumping, but it was fun.
So now I'm here sitting infront of the computer on another boring Sat. I wonder what everyone else is doing. I'm pretty bummed that Dragon Raja wouldn't work, since it is my one good source of entertainment on the computer. My dad broke his laptop after it fell off the table, kinda funny to be. The downside to that though, he'd be hogging up MY computer >.<
Well nothing intresting yet...I feel like going to Haisting's and buy some CDs I have in mind.
About 3.5 more weeks left...
Posted by
7:01 PM
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Made it through another day
Well hey again.Worked alot on this page and gave it new ideas. You should just see how much it is looking up. I turned the bland white background to this pretty yellow (maybe I'll add black poka dots later) changed most of the ugly fonts and gave it color. I still need to figure out how I can add pics directly onto the sites. Sadly there's still so much for me to learn in HTML.
Anyway, onto my day. History's another boring story of its own. Math: geometry test, no big. English: Silas Marner test--->.< I hate english..not that I dispise writing, but just not things like essays. I mean I like writing this even though it's pretty time consuming. I kind of want to write for the newspaper and such, but its not important right now. Band is awful as usual.( Can't really think of a good word there...) I hate our last song b/c the flag is so hellishly heavy. On top of that, we do spins that's so close to breaking my wrist. I'm just happy tomorrow since its Friday..not really. Game against Shelbyvile away. I don't really care about it..with our luck it's probably another sad lose. Another long day tomorrow ...and a boring weekend after.
Onto more intresting subjects. I found my homestead site. Let's just say it's funny to read things you wrote when you were 14. But a good use for the site: file dump and a good server to keep my things. :) Well that's about all.I'm tired so I'll work on this more over the weekend. Today I leave you with a simple footer I did really early on. Not much, just some basic functions.
my kewl easy footer!click here
(I would just uploaded here but the stupid program dosn't support .swf files =/ screw...)
Enjoy and Adieu!
Posted by
8:57 PM
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
AHHH!! well hi.This is my first post b/c I just created this page!(2nd actually...my first one wasn't saved so I'm starting over again..-.- guess I'll make it short) So well my very first webblog, but not my first website though. Ah...that's another story of its own. Well I actually had several websites dedicated to me..and other things. My first one was started on homestead.com ( they're charging now so it kinda sux) That's the favorite page I've created..ever, since it did took me hellova time. I really liked my site. The formating was just so great and versatille so I didn't have to mess with HTML crap that I'm not so fond of. So you want to see it? well..It's long lost. I'll keep you updated on that. How about ''The long lost page--a search for my memory.'' Hmm...I'll work on that. Moving on!
It took me a while to find a tool that I liked to create my blog. All the good editors cost money..so forget them. This BLOGGER seems okay so far, except for the fact it deleted my very first post that took me a ''while'' to create. With a little work, this page is gonna be the best blog you've ever seen! ( Maybe I'll add some way kewl homemade flash animation with my way kewl Flash MX )
My plans for this site: First of all, I'm really big on template and layouts. I'm definatly going to change the boring template right now and create my own. How? I dunno for sure yet. Maybe a little work with Dreamweaver( which I'm still having trouble using like that stupid Blender program) or just steal it from some other nice looking sites. Sounds good whatever. 2nd of all, I want to add fresh contents to this page; not just boring story about me everyday..surely you want to heard better. Things like intresting sites, quotes, pictures, links, and all that other kewl stuff. I'll think about it more and leave it to an end for now.
So this marks the end of my very first post. I hope this site will go on unlike all my other websites. I might even have my own domain one day, or even..my own company! w00t! But that's for that, this is the end unfortunatly..for the day! I'll keep ya posted and make this site a whole lotta better! PEACE OUT!
Posted by
9:32 PM