Sunday, September 07, 2003

Sunday Sucks

Yup. Another day gone by and I've done nothing. I woke up pretty early around 11, didn't feel like getting out of my room since my rent would make me do chores and homework. I pulled out my "Nirvana" cd and started listening to it.Out of boredom, I also pulled out my guitar to figure out some of the riffs to the songs. Went well I guess, I figured "come as you are" and it's been linguring in my head. But that's just my morning...
I ate some bread and sat in the living room with my parents watching HGTV. Only when they left to do chores and such did I get the chance to play abit of "Arc the Lad." I really should finish that game since I borrowed it from Alan. Rest of the day just went by pretty slow. I worked on some homework and floated into the computer room. Since DR is still offline, I took some time to perfect this blog.Lets see:

  • uploaded lots of pics to my server
  • worked on some of the pics ( logo, pixel ppl, etc..) and my crappy footer(only a little)
  • changed most of the color scheme on the site
  • Posted this post (yay)

That's about all. It actually took a while, but I still have tons of things to work on:

  1. Learn HTML
  2. Learn more HTML
  3. Use knowledge of HTML to make this blog better
  4. Start on a new footer that's good
  5. Get linked ( not like anybody's reading this right now anyway..>.>)
  6. Invent a better language other than HTML with hellova easier interface
  7. keep on learning HTML till then

I really don't want to go back to school...History test, English essay, Guard practice till I die...Sigh....Poo
Till then enjoy my new pics I added to the site, hope you like my logo( need a name still..Bazz?) I'll leave you with my kewl pixel person of me

---Lain Im so kewl ^.^

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